Pearlvine International

Pearlvine International Reviews / Business Plan / What is Pearlvine? Is pearlvine fake? Is pearlvine safe? Is pearlvine legit? Is pearlvine legal? If you are wondering if pearlvine international (Pearlvine System) is legal or illegal, you are the right place. There are a lot of doubts to everyone if this company can exist for ever or will shut down overnight. Ok, let’s keep that aside for a moment and try to understand what is Pearlvine all about. Have you ever dreamt to be RICH without Doing Anything? Well then this is your chance to become a millionaire; all you need is an investment of $30 (Approx INR 2,250) and be a Sponsor for 4 users. Unbelievable, yes, it is correct. This concept comes from the company Pearlvine, which has its background business in Pearlvine Mynt (PV Mynt) which is a is a digital currency just like Bit coin trading in 200 Countries. But as this is not as famous as Bit coin and it fell down to ground in April 2018 when the digital currencies were monitored by every Government in the world, they thought of a plan and introduced a Multi-Level System to bring back the glory of 2015. INCOME PLAN: There are 7 ways to earn Income: 1. MYNT GROWTH INCOME: The value of each unit of Mynt changes everyday and gradually increases. The growth of Mynt will provide direct benefit for the users. 2. MYNT PURCHASE REVENUE: Whenever a user purchases Mynt directly from Admin, 2% of the Mynt Value is transferred to the user’s Sponsor and up to 8 levels. 3. MYNT SELL REVENUE: Whenever a user sells Mynt directly to Admin, 2% of the Sale Value is adjusted to the users Sponsor and upto 8 Levels. 4. FAST TRACK INCOME: You get $15 directly from every new User you Sponsor, so when you join 4 users you earn $60 from which you need to upgrade with $40 in Auto Pool. 5. AUTO POOL INCOME: Every Pearl user is eligible to earn this income. This income is distributed by a special software on a First Come First Serve Basis. This is pive Income as you once upgrade to Auto Pool and wait for the money to come. There are 7 Rank of Auto Pools. 6. TEAM PERFORMANCE WALLET: You will get $1.25 for every new user you join your team up to 8 Levels. 7. UPGRADE INCOME if Your down line user will upgrade his ID , you will get 50% income on Upgrade Amount 1. Pearl - 30 $ 2. Coral - 40 $ 3. Onyx - 100 $ 4. Qurtz - 1000 $ 5. Ameythist - 5000 $ 6. Topaz - 10000 $ 7. Ruby - 20000 $ The real Catch of the whole system lies in Auto Pool, where you have to just upgrade and receive recurring income for a life time. If you are wondering how is this possible with Auto Pool, please find below how the new users $30 joining fees is distributed. Sharing of Money when a new user joins with $30 $15 will be directly transferred to the sponsor $10 in Team performance ( 1.25 up to 8 Levels) 1.25*8 level =10 $5 in Pearl Autopool As soon as you join with $30, you need to introduce 4 users. When you introduce you get $15 X 4 = $60 Back. Out of this you need to upgrade with $40 to join the AutoPool. In a similar way you can upgrade to other Auto Pools gradually. So, I got the whole concept, how do I Join? The process is super simple, you cannot directly join the Pearlvine System. You need a sponsor to introduce you to the system. Please use the below link to join the pearlvine System. Steps to follow: 1. Click on the below link: 2. You will get the Sign-Up Form: Please fill in your details: • Name • Email • Select Country • Your Mobile Number-give correct number, SMS will be sent for verification • Choose Pword • Re-Type Pword After filling the above details, check (Click) on the I agree to terms & conditions Now Press Continue 3. After login to your account, now you need to Upgrade with $30. Contact to your Up line ( senior ) 4. Now your task is to earn 60DP to Achieve the 2nd level Coral Auto Pool, for this you need to get 4 users under you by using your referral link or Sponsor ID. When 4 users join, you will be credited with 60DP, from which you need 40 to Coral upgrade. Similarly you can upgrade to other Auto Pools whenever you wallet is full with required DP. So what are you waiting for, Join Pearlvine Now: +919974913647

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  • 09 October, 2020
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