Dear friends, New plan going to launch between May 2nd-6th. Joining with just 1500/- with product binary plan. If join with Tripad, get 250/- cash back for 6 months and 600/- value product for free for 6 months If join with Sevenpad, get 500 cash back for 12 months and 900/- value product for free for 30 months Binary Income : First pair 1:2 or 2:1 then 1:1 unlimited 400/- per pair Direct referral income : 100/- per referral **** We need District wise and State wise Leaders to work on target based salary. If anyone interested please Whats app your below details on 9059244337 Full Name : Mobile Num : Whats App Num : City : State : Send details on whats app. We will revert you with full details. All the best & Happy earnings