Earn regular income WITHOUT WORK. Business plan one= Investment is Rs.1,500 only. You can get back this income very shortly. Total income around 3 crores.(MLM-pearlvine.com), AND Business PLAN TWO = Invest Rs.10,000(500-p/w), or Rs.20,000(1250-p/w), or Rs.45000(2000-p/w), or Rs.70,000(3000-p/w). You can sit and receive pay out daily/weekly credited directly to your bank account . All of your investment is returnable in full with or without DIVIDEND All USD based. One aadhaar card = one account. www.dailyincome.jigsy.com or call me at (0)9487100319 No product, No selling. This business is purely based on USD done by concerned company for us..