NETSURF Communication Pvt LTD

Welcome to NETSURF BUSINESS 1. What is Netsurf. Netsurf is an Indian Pioneer direct selling company giving International business opportunity to millions of people who are looking for better lifestyle with financial freedom. 2. What kind of products does Netsurf offer? 1. Organic Farming 2. Health care 3. Beauty care. 4. Skin care 5. Personal care 6. Hair care 7. Ayurvedic 8. Cattle Care & many more. 3. How are Netsurf products different from competition? 1. Natural 2. Ayurvedic 3. Pure organic 4. Chemical Free and products with satisfaction or 100% money back guarantee. - 30days refund policy - 100% self manufacturing - 100% self cultivation - 100% self packing 4. How to make money through Netsurf Business ? 1. Self-use 2. Retailing (Minimum 40% upto 50% margin) 3. Sponsoring 4. Servicing 5. Learning 6. Duplicating. 5. What does it take to start Netsurf Business? Our dream & desire to start our own business to have better life. Helping others also succeed through this business. _____________________ 6. What does a Netsurf business owner do? Use the products to feel the quality. Recommending to others to use the products which they like. Giving this wonderful opportunity to all. Duplicating it through a systematic approach _______ 7. What are the RISKS in Netsurf Business ? No risk at all as there is no investment. ____________________ 8. Benefits of joining Netsurf business. 1. Starting own business 2. By using health care products health is taken care of. 3. Opportunity to use quality & economical products. 4. Through multiplication & duplication concept, one can earn a lot of money 5. Recognition 6. Tension free life 7. Family Protection Plan (first company in network marketing to give FPP). 8. Free Domestic & International Tour 9. Financial freedom 10. Opportunity to become an MCM (Management committee Member) 11. Opportunity to become OCM (Organising Committee Member) 12. Leadership Quality enhancement through Virtual funding Programme 13. Launching in 07 country (soon) _____________________ 9. Why a prospect should consider joining Netsurf ? -Really interested to start own business.. -Ready to have Commulative Business -Ready to serve people. -To generate good health & wealth . -Ready to get boundaries free plan with limitless happiness _____________________ 10. What facts do you know about Netsurf ? 1. Pune based company (started in May 2001) 2. More than 67 Products (World Class) 3. Turnover of 152 Crores last year. 4. 16 year completed 5. Own R&D Labs (Govt approved) 6. 100% self Manufacturing 7. 100% self cultivation 8. 100% self packing 9. 02 world class (fully automatic manufacturing units), can produce upto 100 Crore per month sale 10. proposed Manufacturing Unit in sikkim with the total investment of 600 crore till 2019 (would be able to Produce protuct worth 500 crore 11. Products price at market rates. 12. Legal & Ethical business with many awards. 13. First company to give fully functional software 14. First company to have dedicated office for network marketing (40000 sq ft) 15. Created so far 33 CROREPATHIES. 16. ?16,38,500/- is the potential possibility earning per month. Ctc:Amit Kothari : 8087540255/8698289333 THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS.

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  • 01 February, 2017
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