NEW ARRIVALNEW PLATFORMNEW OPENING NEW ARRIVALNEW PLATFORMNEW OPENING NEW ARRIVALNEW PLATFORMNEW OPENING DEAR NETWORKERS, THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT NEW COMPANY IS LAUNCHING TODAY AT 1000 AM ON 1ST JULY 2011 i.e httpwww.murganmarketing.comFIRST 100 MEMBERS WILL GET DISCOUNT OF RS 200 IN REGISTRATION PIN.STRUCTURE FOR JOINING -Joining Fee Rs.5500-Including Service TaxRegistration Amount 500 Rs-The Reg. pin Issued by the companymembersTop Up Amount Rs.5000The Top up Pin issued by the company only you get ProductBUSINESS INCOME -BINARY INCOME 500-REFERAL INCOME 250-SPILL INCOME 250-CAPPING 100 PAIR PER WEEKMONTHLY INCOME RS 2000- 11 22, 000-EARN MONEY on Murgan Net Mart Pvt. Limited -As soon as you become a member, you have to initially sponsor two referals one in left side and other in right side with a tail directly by you or through your members a ratio of 21 or 12 to qualify for the first pair income and there onwards it should be in a ratio of 11. Maximum 100 pairs weekly.INVESTER INCOME -The company will Pay a income of Rs.- 2000 per month for 11 months.i.e Rs-2000 x 11 Rs-22000- you are eligible for this income when you complete 1st pair. i.e 21 or 12 REFERAL INCOME -This Income is based on your direct sponsor made by you. Rs. 250-income is straight away given to you for your each sponsorAfter your two direct sponsor one left side and another in your right, the third sponsor will be calculated as your spill and here you will get Rs. 250- as Spill income. Spill will be placed anywhere in your Downline. You can sponsor unlimited direct spill to get unlimited income.BONUS INCOME -The company will pay a BONUS INCOME of Rs.-1000 per month for 12 month. i.e Rs-100012RS-12000- You are eligble for this income when you complete 1st pairi.e 21 or 12.MODE OF PAYMENT -Payment will be trasfered Automatically in every fortnight i.e. 1ST & 15TH of every month.Terms and Conditions -One member can take maximum 15 ids.First Pair 12 or 21 Rs. 500- 2nd pair onwards 11Rs. 500- per pair Till unlimted Depth.Valid for 11 months from the date of reg.TDS as applicable Submission of Income Tax PAN to the company is compulsory.Registration ID should be Top up within 15 days otherwise ID will be expired.Member will get all the Payments after deductein of-TDS-10.3, Service tax- and administration charges-4.4.LIFE PROTECTION -In case of accidental death of any member, company will be pay 2 of companies total profit of that month to hisher nominee.In any month if there is more than one incident, than 2 will be distributed equally among all.REGARDS AND THANKSMURGAN NET MART PVT. LTDFOR MORE DETAILS FEEL FREE TO CONTACT US-1 0120 - 2406020 - 21 - 22 Tollfree - 1800 180 3533291 - 7699999521 - 24 - 27 - 283 EMAIL US AT - mymurgangmail.com4WEBSITE -