mlm product manufacturer - Your Logo Here

Resp sir/ Madam please consider my company for further requirements we were happy to fulfill your requirements Greetings from Nutricore Biosciences Pvt. Ltd. We, Nutricore Biosciences Pvt. Ltd, are Gujarat, India based food/health supplements manufacturing Company with state of the art facility for manufacturing powders, tablets, capsules, liquids, etc. with all manufacturing and quality compliances. Nutricore is actively engaged in the manufacturing of superior quality nutraceutical products for domestic and international markets with 200+ products onboard in different forms and exclusive packaging. We always give preference to customer’s satisfaction by providing best quality products and achieving all standards of FSSAI, ISO and GMP. We give emphasize on innovations and have invested on maintaining modern facilities to make the best research findings. We upgrade our facility with latest technology at regular intervals of time. We covered huge market in India and abroad by providing highest quality products with efficient production capacity. We are currently exporting our products over 25 countries by teamwork and efficient marketing and services strategies. We offer customized products / third party manufacturing services with privet labels and customized packaging options with high level of effectiveness in work. Thanks & Regards, Bhavik Shah Mobile: +91-9512044801 [email protected]

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  • 27 February, 2020
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