APEX TELECOM AND TATA DOCOMO DHAMAKAJoining 300 Rs. product base 11100 Binary , 5 pair capping, 500 Rs.daily POWER LEG CARRY FORWARD .WEEKLY PAYMENT httpwww.apextelecom.net call me MO.9592024376 MANJINDER CHHOTI SI AMOUNT ONLY RS 300- LAGA KE APP 500 SE 1500RS PER DAY INCOME LE SAKTE INCOME JANKARI LEYE CALL KARO   SACH HI BATAEY GE INCOME KESE HOTI HAI AUR HO RAHI HAI?????????????????           Forgot Password?     ABOUT US PRODUCTS OPPORTUNITY CONTACT US FRANCHISEE APPLICATION DIRECT MARKETING           Cell Phone Booster   Directions Installation Instructions Older Analog Phones Only 1. Remove the battery from your phone. 2. Wipe the battery compartment with a clean dry cloth to remove any fingerprints or dirt. 3. Remove the yellow backing from the antenna booster, being careful not to leave fingerprints. You may find tweezers helpful in this process. 4. Press the antenna booster onto the body of the phone toward the side of the fixed antenna enters the phone. BE CAREFUL when installing the antenna booster in the battery compartment not to let it touch any circuit boards or metal contacts on the body of the phone. 5. Replace the battery.     Installation Facts The Generation X Plus Booster must be in the same direction as the internal antenna, DO NOT confuse this with the Phone GPS or Internet Antennas Most Buyers do not realize this and stick it in upside facing top of phone. This may not be the correct location of the cell antenna This was Not a Issue with the conventional older phones. Today&rsquos New Slim Line Phones come in different designs. Meaning the position of internal antenna must be known. Buyers mistake GPS antenna or FM antenna for the internal antenna. Most New phones have all 3 Antennas. These 3 Antennas maybe in different positions. Refer your phone manual or search the internet         SERVICES       Key Highlights ACP Plan Local & National CUG Unlimited Free. 800 Local & STD Mins Free. 200 Local National SMS Free. Incoming Roaming Free When latched on Tata Network only. 6 Second pulse.   Product information Product Name UOM Final Monthly Rental per Sub Rs 299 Pulse Type MinSec 6 Second Pulse Tariff Information Local - CUG Rs - Local - On Net - GSM Rs 3p6sec Local - On Net-CDMA Rs 3p6sec Local - Other Mobiles Rs 4p6sec Local - Fixed Line Rs 5p6sec STD - CUG Rs -   STD - On Net - GSM Rs 5p6sec STD - On Net - CDMA Rs 5p6sec STD - Other Mobiles Rs 5p6sec Roaming Docomo Network - IC Rs -   Roaming Docomo Network - OG Local Rs 1.00 per min Roaming Docomo Network - OG STD Rs 1.00 per min Roaming Other Network - IC Rs 1.00 per min Roaming Other Network - OG Local Rs 1.00 per min Roaming Other Network - OG STD Rs 1.50 per min SMS Tariffs Rs L-0.20N-0.30Int-5 FAT FAT Description   800 LocalSTD Mins in 6 seconds pulses Local & National CUG Unlimited Free 200 LocalNational SMS     Monthly Career Plan Incentives on monthly paid bills will be paid. An amount of Rs.10 per connection shall be paid every month after the subscriber pays his bill. An amount of Rs.5 will be paid from all subscribers bill of your Generation 2, 3, 4 and 5. Example Suppose you have referred 10 persons, who has taken ACP plan and each one has referred 10 persons individually, then, you get the following income   Generation No of Subscribers Amount paid on each bill Total Amount 1 10 10 100- 2 100 5 500- 3 1000 5 5000- 4 10000 5 50000- 5 100000 5 500000-     Total 5,55,600- Per Month   Note The above is an example and the actual income may increase or decrease on the number of subscribers you and your team has brought.     For MNP or New Mobile Connection Pay Rs.300 and book a TATA DOCOMO post paid connection. You will immediately get an imported Mobile Signal Booster. After you make the payment, you will get a joining PIN from your nearest franchisee or will get via SMS to your mobile. Payment can be made at your nearest Franchisee or deposit Rs.300 in Apex account and get PIN number by SMS and email   For Photon, CDMA Handset or Walky connections No need to pay Rs 300 and no need for a PIN number to join   Visit the nearest Franchisee and buy the device phone by making the payment and submitting the necessary documents. Mobile signal booster will not be given to such joining.