EARN 1000 PER MONTHPAY PLAN --FOR FREE JOINING -->> httpwww.midas-corp.comref990Direct Sales Commission --20 commission is paid on sales of products and services offered by MidasCorp.  Commissions are paid into the selling affiliate&rsquos Cash Balance and reflect the sales heshe directly makes to both customers and referrals.Global Community Bonus --30 of all revenue earned by MidasCorp is shared with qualifying affiliates based on their current number of Bonus Points BPs.  The Global Community Bonus is determined by first calculating the number of Bonus Points that are active within the system, then dividing this by the total amount of revenue to be shared 30.  This equals the individual Bonus Point Value BPV.  This BPV is then multiplied by each affiliate&rsquos active BPs and then by hisher Activity Rating. This calculation determines the amount of Global Community Cash Bonus earned by each affiliate for the pay period in question.Director Bonus--Up to 30 of all revenue earned by MidasCorp is reserved for distribution to Directors for outstanding performance based on the following guidelinesYour Director Bonus is dependent on your Global Team&rsquos Monthly Revenue TMR and relates to the Schedule of Percentages within the Calculator to arrive at an Override Percentage.   This percentage is limited to the level of Director D status you have achieved and in each case is only for the range specified in accordance to the Director Bonus Calculator.TMR is defined as the total revenue within a pay period that was transacted by affiliates who were directly referred by you, and by affiliates that were referred by those affiliates and so on for an indefinite number of levels.Your Bonus Percentage is the difference between the Bonus Percentage of each affiliate that you have personally introduced leg and determines your Maximum Percentage for each leg.   Once all of this information is accumulated, it is then multiplied by your Activity Rating to determine your Director Bonus.Note Director positions are permanent. Personal Volume is defined by purchases made by yourself and sales made direct to individual who are not affiliates. Director earnings are limited to the level of Director status you have achieved and pays a maximum of 5000 per leg.Junior Director Bonus up to 10 Must have a Personal Volume of 1000 within one calendar month.Senior Director Bonus up to 20 Must have a Personal Volume of 2500 within two consecutive months.Executive Director Bonus up to 30 Must have a Personal Volume of 5000 within three consecutive months.Bonus Points BPs &ndash Affiliates are awarded One Bonus Point for each dollar of sales andor purchases of productsservices.  Bonus Points DO NOT have any cash value whatsoever and are not exchangeable for money.  They only serve to determine the affiliate&rsquos BP Value.  Affiliates also earn Bonus Points by upgrading their account status.  The level of Account an affiliate purchases determines hisher status Silver, Gold, Platinum Each BP has a life-span of 120 days, however MidasCorp reserve the right to adjust this up or down in order to preserve the Global BP Value. Affiliates receive Bonus Points for personal purchases at the ratio of 1.00 equals 1 Bonus Point, plus an additional 25 &ndash 100 which is added based on the Affiliate&rsquos status. Affiliates also receive 25-100 Bonus Points for sales made to personally introduced affiliates as determined by their status.Activity Rating reflects the individual effort by each affiliate and provides us with the percentage applied to all bonuses to determine the actual bonus to be paid.  Activity Ratings can be increased by making direct purchases of services and products available in the shop.  Activity Rating has a life span of 30 days and cannot exceed 100.The potential income that an affiliate is qualified to earn is multiplied by the Activity Rating to provide the actual earnings to be paid.Account Types --All Accounts provide a personal web site, access to the Cumada e-marketing Platform, Back Office Management Center, Shopping Cart, e-Wallet and general administration.Free &ndash includes 20 Commission on direct salesSilver &ndash 19.95 pm includes 20 Bonus Points Then 25 Bonus Points each time when purchased as an active Silver account holder 20 Commission on direct sales 25 Matching Bonus Points on personal purchases 25 Activity Rating 2 Cumada e-Packs 20 ValueGold &ndash 49.95 pm includes 50 Bonus Points Then 75 Bonus Points each time when purchased as an active Gold account holder 20 Commission on direct sales 50 Matching Bonus Points on personal purchases 50 Activity Rating 5 Cumada e-Packs 50 ValuePlatinum &ndash 99.95 pm includes 100 Bonus Points Then 200 Bonus Points each time when purchased as an active Platinum account holder 20 Commission on direct sales 100 Matching Bonus Points on personal purchases 100 Activity Rating 10 Cumada e-Packs 100 Value  Additional Activity Ratings may be achieved by purchasing services at the rate of 1.00 equals 1.  Therefore, if you make a purchase for 10.00 you receive 10 added to your Activity Rating.  Note as purchases are made during the month the newer Rating Date replaces the older one, but does not go higher than 100 at any time.  FOR FREE JOINING -->> httpwww.midas-corp.comref990

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