we are here with a nice concept of money making . there are some companies in market whome we call trading companies like forex . who take money for investemt and give daily returns .the invest our money in various sectors and give a fixed amount . Business plan Opportunity Register Free (ROI means daily income) or return on investment S.No. Package Amount 1 1000 2 2000 3 5000 4 10000 5 25000 6 50000 Top Up with 5000 Rs. ROI Income ROI Income 4% Of investment Amount ROI Income for 50 DAYS Total ROI Income 200% Direct Income Direct Income 10% Direct Income Till Unlimited Depth Binary Income Binary Income On 1:1 Per Pair Income 10% Carry forward Binary Notes:- Left and Right Direct ID Compulsory For Binary Income Binary and Direct Payout Minimum 500 Rs. Withdrawral Only On Sunday ROI Payout Minimum 200 Auto Withdrawral Deduction 10% From Working Payout