IN MAXIMUM MLM COMPANIES PRODUCTS ARE NOT NEED FOR EVERYBODY.IN SOME OF COMPANIES PRODUCTS ARE BETTER BUT INCOME PLAN IS NOT BETTER.IN SOME OF COMPANIES INCOME PLAN IS BETTER BUT PRODUCT IS NOT BETTER.IN SOME OF COMPANIES BOTH PRODUCTS & INCOME PLAN IS BETTER BUT COMPANY IS NOT BETTER.So For That Reason Maximum People Fails In DIRECT SELLING MARKETING ..FIRST TIME IN MLM AT SAMI DIRECT YOU GET ALL 3 POINTS...That is....PRODUCT IS NEEDFUL, INCOME PLAN IS BEST IN THE INDUSTRY, AND COMPANY IS ALSO STABLE AND GOOD.BREAKING NEWSBreak Through Opportunity In Net Work Marketing....  DearFRIENDSGreat NewsGreat News Great News"Use It. See The Benefits. & Share It"For the first time in the history of MLM industry.... SAMI DirectPresents&hellip&hellipThe Most Amazing Income Plan With Amazing Product in MLM History.  A Fast Growing Billion Dollar MNC finally launched In India with its&rsquo break through products in Wellness industry  through Network Marketing. It is a product that need every body ,every day that helps to make one &ldquoLook Good, Feel Better and Live Long&rdquo .The compensation plan is awesome with its awesome products on Nutraceutical and Cosmeceutical .The company is ISO 22000-2005 certified and having very strong Intellectual Property Portfolioat present it has 82 patents. We supply  molecules and raw materials to over 75 nutrition and pharmaceutical companies world wide including Cipla, Ranboxy,Amway, Herbalife, FLP, Oriflame, Ranbaxy, Modicare, Ravlon etc...       Indian Entity and Global opportunity You can get global pool benefit from the business of entire world&hellip&hellipI appeal to You and our industries Top Serious ,Visionary, leaders to contact me immediately to be appraised about the program and to lock your fortune in an opportunity that have never seen before in India that will change your life for ever.THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY OF LIFE TIME....Don&rsquot Be Late Be Fast.  Secure Your Future  ..                                                    SUBHENDU MAZUMDAR , 91 9830613420.