Looking for Investment Trainee

The trainee will get the 5% of investor's profit along with a fixed monthly income Looking for 5 trainees from anywhere in India/Abroad. To build a client base of investors(Indian/NRIs) who are looking for Paid Stock Market Recommendation Services (iClick2Gain). The trainee must be from sales field will be preferred Our Services has an accuracy of 90% and provides 3 types of recommendation: 1. Short-Term ( Intraday/Delivery Based-- 2-15 days) 2. Medium-Term ( 1-3 months) and; 3. Long-term-- (6 months -- 2 years) The trainee will get the 5% of investor's profit along with a fixed monthly income Location is not an issue only your sincerity and commitment to work matter the most. If you are interested and wants to build wealth and serious about your life and family, then feel free to connect at +91-9772212349

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  • 19 March, 2018
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