Looking for country managers and division managers to build salesteams in different countries

Easyonline123.com are in the last phase of finalizing the salesystem. Deadline for programmer to finish site is 25th january. We wish thereby to get in thouch with professional marketers that will work on commission. We need country managers, division managers and sellers. It does not mather where in world you are from since the site is language compatible.The product basis are made out from a basic need the companies in this niché need. There will be recuring income from the customers since this is a subscription service. Very easy sold product HOW IT WILL WORKThe plan is to have one Country management CM group in each selected country. CM will manage the different Division managers DM that have responsibility for different parts of the country. The DM's runs there own the salesnetwork. Each group will consist of members that are selceted by you and the group togheter. Subscriptions will be tracked by affiliate software. .SERVICE AND PRICEThe service is a content management system that makes restaurant owners go online with their business without hiring expesive web designers. Also customers do no need to be concerned about anything rather than applying content. Its easy, cheap and of a good quality. The price will be calculated from webdesign companies in your current country. Lets say the price varies from 500 - 2500, we will then offer the service for 200-300 usd a year. This make the client to get online very cheap. PROVISION & PAYMENTEach CM, DM and seller will get a provision of all income from his network. - This will be the sallary. We will offer you a good provision of each sale until your bid are fulfilled, after bid is covered you will receive lower provision. But of course a good one Each CM and Each DM get a recuring provision from the networks their building and have responsibility for. When income on sale reaches your bid, there will be a payout. So the speed to payout are dippendent on your work and how high bid you give - Higher bid you have will give a higher provision and a payout quicker compared with a lower bid.IF INTERESTED PLEASE WRITE SOME WORDS ABOUT YOURSSELF AND WHY YOU SHOULD BE CHOOSEN AS COUNTRY MANAGER OR DIVISION MANAGER. - WHAT ARE YOU SKILLS.- WHAT TOOLS DO YOU HAVE HUMAN RECOURCES, SALESNEWORK, CONtACTS, EXPERIENCE AND OTHER YOU CONSIDER IMPORTANT- WHAT kind of TOOLS, NETWORK, CONTACTS AND OTHER TO JUMPSTART YOUR BUSINESS.

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  • 30 November, -0001
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