Life Ka sabse Shandar Networking plan DID Club


           We Move The World


The Most powerful and long life plan to fulfill all your needs!

Free Registration

Upgrade registration pin of 200/-to activate your ID.

Joining Package

1) Starter Package-2000/only

2) Premium package-4000/only

3) Standard Package-8000/only

You can join by any package.

1) Direct 10%

2) Binary Income 5%


1) Starter Package-5000/-per day

2) Premium  package-10,000/per day

3) Standard Package-20,000/-per day

Voting Income:

1) You Choose Option.

2) You will get 5% Daily For Vote.

3) This Income Will Come On Every Monday To Friday.

4) Company will declare answer on every Saturday.

5) Voting Income will come till 8 weeks.


 You will get double amount of your Top-up Amount.

For Example:

If You Top-Up With Amount Of 2000/-Than you will get 4000/-

Visit :-

Friends For more information contact : 


Contact- 09892290664

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  • 11 November, 2014
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