DEAR LEARDERS WWW.JUSTRETAIL.BIZ CONTACT PROMOTER TO GET SPECIAL SUPPORT 08050014144 SEND FULL DETILS ONLY SMS Business Plan    Joining Amount  Rs. 4500 - Power Server Steam Iron   Genealogy Income Genealogy income   Rs.700-  21 or12 1st genealogy count get the income Rs.700- 11 unlimited depth 700- genealogy income 1st genealogy will be 21 or 12 and their after all genealogy will be 11 Capping 45000- weekly   Product sales income Psi Rs.1000-  Every Week     Direct Sponsoring Income Direct Sponsoring Income 500-   Awards and Rewards   Mini Laptop Once member completes 20 pairs he will be eligible for "Mini Laptop" Laptop Once member completes 65 pairs he will be eligible for "Laptop" Hero Honda Bike Once member completes 165 pairs he will be eligible for "Hero Honda Bike" Tata Nano Once member completes 300 pairs  he will be eligible for "TATA NANO" Maruti Alto Once member completes 600 pairs  he will be eligible for "MARUTI ALTO"   Terms and Condition- This Is the Not Investment Plan It&rsquos Fully Focused on Retail Marketing Expansion. The Income Which Provided By Company Dependents upon Company Turnover Income. One Person Is Prohibited Only Put Up One Membership Concern With Company On Identity Basis. Reward Valid Only 30 Days. Company Can Be Changing Our Business Plan In Possible Future At Suitable Condition. Tds Will Be Dedicated 10.3, Admin Charges 9.7, Total Dedication 20 Ibo Incomes. Ibo Monthly Product Repurchase Compulsory.  contact promoter - 08050014144