WWW.DRSBUSINESS.INJOINING AMOUNT ONLY 70 RS.3 TYPES OF INCOME MATRIXREWARDSROYALTY 1. MATRIX INCOMELEVELWISE MATRIX INCOME 15 MATRIX LEVELS TOTAL NO. OF MEMBERS IN YOUR DOWN INCENTIVES FOR EACH MEMBER TOTAL EARNINGS INCOME 1 5 20.00 100 2 25 15.00 375 3 125 10.00 1250 4 625 5.00 3125 5 3125 5.00 15625 6 15625 5.00 78125 7 78125 5.00 390625 8 390625 5.00 1953125 9 1953125 5.00 9765625 10 9765625 5.00 48828125 Total 12207030   61036100.00 2. ROYALTY INCOMERoyalty Income fund  5 of the Total Monthly Turnover of the Company.Subscribers who successfully completed hisher6th Level are eligible for Royalty Income. Now, the royalty fund in a calendar month will be equally divided among all the successful members in terms of income. This Royalty will be paid once in a month and the eligibility will be fresh every month. 3. REWARD INCOME S. No. ACHIEVEMENTS REWARDS 1. Any Distributor who completes hisher 3th Level   i.e. 125 ID&rsquos  no time limit from the date of joining, Will be awarded with  MICROMAX COLOUR MOBILE Rs.1500- 2. Any Distributor who completes hisher 4th  Level  i.e. 625 IDs no time limit from the date of joining, Will be awarded with  LG COLOR TV 21&rdquo  Rs.3000- 3. Any Distributor who completes hisher 5th Level   i.e. 3125 ID&rsquos  no time limit from the date of joining,  Will be awarded with  BAJAJ DISCOVER 150 CC    4. Any Distributor who completes hisher 6th  Level  i.e. 15625 IDs in no time limit from the date of joining, Will be awarded with  Rs. 100000-  5. Any Distributor who completes hisher 7th  Level  i.e. 78125 IDs in 6th Months from the date of joining, Will be awarded with  Rs. 200000-  6. Any Distributor who completes hisher 8th  Level  i.e. 390625 IDs in 12th Months from the date of joining, Will be awarded with  MARUTI ALTO CAR   7. Any Distributor who completes hisher 9th Leveli.e. 1953125 IDs in 18th Months from the date of joining, Will be awarded with  HONDA CITY CAR   8. Any Distributor who completes hisher 10th Level i.e. 9765625 IDs in 24th Months from the date of joining, Will be awarded with  MERCEDES &ndash BENZ, C - CLASS    CALL FAST AND START YOUR WORK FROM TODAYNO CAPPING, NO CELLING, UNLIMITED ENTRY DAILY.PARIN SHAH - 919722229855   

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