&ldquoDISCOVER LIFE&rsquoS JOURNEY WITH RMP &rdquo&ldquoDINAMIC GROUP &ldquo&ldquoJOIN WITH DINAMIC GROUP AND GEAT BENIFITE  OF POWER LEG AND MANY MORE OTHER OFFERS AND REWARDS SO DON&rsquoT WEAST YOUR VALUABLE TIME  &ldquoBusiness PolicyEligibility &ndash Incentive    ·   A person after buying the starter kit package from the company will become a  Distributor. ·   Distributor has to introduce two persons directly in his first level  by selling the packages, then any one of the introduced Distributor has to sell one package then the distributor will be eligible for Incentives. ·   The commission is calculated on PVpair value basis left and right side. ·   For every sale of package done by the Distributor 50PV is allotted. ·   To qualify for the incentive, Distributor should have at least 150PV in their structure with a .minimum of 50PV on both sides. ·   There after every package sales of binary pair left and right side will receive approximately 100PV..1PVRs.10- ·   Every Friday midnight will be sales closing period. Ceiling ·   The maximum payout per week for a distributor will be 13000PV130 pairs. Trimming ·   Trimming will be applicable if necessary.  E-Commerce ·   There are ranges of AZ products with different categories updated periodically. ·   Product prices are less than MRP. ·   Distributor will be eligible for individual PV&rsquos and up line PV&rsquos for the purchase of product. ·   Compensation cut-off will take place for every month. Car Advance ·   If a Distributor achieves 3 continuous Ceiling,  He She is eligible for Car loan of Rs. 1,00,000  as per Company Norms Company Profile  RMP Infotec Private Limited was established with the basic idea of educating and training the common people with latest computer technologies to meet with global standards of Information Technology. RMP also offers innovative products to target various sectors of people. RMP edges to give an ultimate network marketing essence with wider business growth and opportunities. RMP is backed up with an excellent base of binary plan which gives the Distributor an opportunity to earn uninterrupted income. The well organized system enhances our Distributors to have easy and effective completion of work.-----------SO JOIN WITH DINAMIC GROUP FROM KHOPOLI-------FOR MORE DETAILS CALL ME NOW----------------------------RMP DISTIRBUTORS----MR.SANDEEP KHEDKAR.MOBILE NO---09326897119 08308181910 09420835528Emial- sandeepskhedkargmail.comPlease visit fore more details- www.rmpinfotec.biz