Dear Friends..I am over here not to tell you examples and make you join my company as others do.My company is Brans Infotech pvt ltd is a concept based marketting company and a lot of people who have joined it are earning a lot of money.Any company in India or abroad grow up only because of MLM. We all know that in world only 2 people know about MLM and they are earning too. What the disadvantage in earning money by you.A boy who was from a very poor family who has never seen a car from inside even is having his own car worth 13 lakhs as well as his flat worth 45 lakh as well as plots worth 15 lakhs. All this is possible very easily but for that you have to give me only 2 joinings in his life. If you are interested please contact me.Abhishek iamabhi1live.com9457548927