Hello all! My name is Amster Clark and I am the founder of the company Ionicoin Digital Currency Ltd. Today I will present the benefits of Ionicoin. Ionicoin Digital Currency LTD is an investment bank registered with the number: 10718847 which was incorporated on 10 April 2017. Ionicoin Digital Currency LTD has sic code: 64110 - Central banking. What is Ionicoin Digital Currency LTD Ionicoin Digital Currency LTD is a global trading platform for companies trading bitcoin. We are an innovative and practical trading platform. The company was founded in United Kingdom but quickly started taking members from all over the world. We aim to satisfy our investors financial need and help them grow them business. Anyone who has an internet connection has the ability to use the Ionicoin Digital Currency platform. All the mechanics of a Ionicoin transaction will be transparent to the users and all the users need to concern themselves with is the value they have and the value they need to spend. We are the first company in the world that offers the opportunity to buy shares in Bitcoin. What can Ionicoin offer you? Direct deposit The Ionicoin Digital Currency Wallet allows you to deposit bitcoin with 2% interest every day. Also, if u deposit 50$ in your wallet and after a few more transactions you reach the 100$ mark you can purchase the first investment package. Referral program With Ionicoin you also have the possibility to make money without having to invest money.We are one of the few corporations in the world which creates business opportunities for people without a capital to invest. Withdraw instanly All withdrawal requests are processed instantly. Everyday you can make as many withdrawals as you want without a minimum limit. Daily profits All profits will be added daily to your account. You will have access to your profits at any time you wish to make a withdraw.