IJoining Amount - 250-

START BUSINESS WITHArt of Life IART LIFEBONUSES IS EQUAL TO YOUR BANK BALANCEToday start FIRST STEP of SUCCESS FOR Life Time.Company Name- ARTLIFE WELLNESS PRODDUCTS PVT.LTD Purchasers or Sponsor ID- 684054 Name- MATIAS TOPNO, use this sponsor id and get benefit of 25 in your businessFor more details Visit the site- httpwww.artlifeindia.comhttpwww.artlife.com.ruenTo see the detail click on the BUSINESS PLANHere, Below is the explanation of the plan in short Joining Amount - 250-Life Time income for your familyJoin and get discount in 25 per productBusiness opportunity 1 P.V 110- TO 115-5 P.V 1 B.V1 B.V 40-1. 50 P.V You get 10 Consultant2. 400 G.P.V You get 15 Master3. 2000 G.P.V You get 25 Manager4. 4000 G.P.V You get 35 DirectorWhen you become a Director You get till 11 Months 500-550-When two become director in you down line you get 7 TO 15When again to become four in you down line you get 32Then comes two Director 15 615 1415 3015 6215Unlimited Depth you get Income12ART LIFE 12 Types of income1. Up to 25 Discount2. Personal Sales Bonus 10 to 353. Group Development Bonus 54. Group Volume Development Bonus 1to75. Sponsoring Bonus 56. Equal Rank Bonus7. Rest Bonus 40000- every year.8. Royalty 7 9. Silver Bonus 1 to 810. Golden Bonus 40000- per months11. President Bonus 1 Unlimited depth12. President Productivity Bonus, 50000- 1, 100000- 2 150000- 3As it grows you get more and more income Unlimited.No boss No risk No tensionNo liability No binary No capping No closingNo loosing No changing of the company Stable company, Note- you get only income and income for life time.You become the partner of the company Artlife, quality product for health a new possibilities of new life and long life you get here whatever you WANT.Together towards healthy future and better life. You get product A to Z, Make it your life longer and beautiful by using the products of ART LIFE,Please call- M TOPNO-, 24 Hours for details call- 09999091225,MATIAS TOPNOADDRESS OF THE COMPANY, Corporate OfficeArt Life IndiaC-161, Hemkunt House,Gautam Nagar,BehindCommunity Center,YosufSarai,New Delhi-110049httpwww.artlifeindia.com

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