Hi The payment with drawal given on 862013 will be given with in 7 working days because the surver has got hacked and un authorised ids have got created. So company is going to check each and every id and release the payment . Even the epin genation will be blocked . As the company wants to maintain the genuinity so the company is taking all the  actions to save the income of the cliens from getting hacked. Who ever wants to join the people in their down tree the company requests its clients should purchase the pins from the company nor from their leaders only any query  9036647344Busines PlanHome About Us Business Plan Legal Documents Franchises Rewards  Our Bankers Contact us Payment proof    BABLU GUPTA   9212255246   How To Become A Member You can become our member by paying Rs. 1200- Rupees One Thousand Two Hundred Only as a joining fee.Non-Working Income you will get additional non working income of rs250per week and you get this income till 10 months after two weeks from the date of joining. Working Income The moment you become our member, you can start getting unlimited CAPTCHA Images for each id. By working in our software, you can generate an additional unlimited income per week on each id, and you will get this income till 11 months from the date of joining. Binary Income You can earn binary income by joining just three members as a start using 21 or 12 ratio pattern. After completing your first binary income you can earn the rest of your binary incomes by just using the 11 ratio. The capping for each id is 10 pairs with per day closing.                       BABLU GUPTA   9212255246 1st Pair 21 or 12 Rs.350- Per Pair,                     BABLU GUPTA    92122552462nd Pair onwards 11 Rs.350- Per Pair, Direct income Rs50- Daily Capping of 10 Pairs Everyday Closing at Night 12 am. Weekly income of Rs 250 - after 2 weeks, from the date of member joining. Minimum Withdraw        500 and Maximum Withdrawal Rs. 100000 per dayBank Withdraw              20 Deduction every transactionWorking Time                2pm to 4pmWorking Days                Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday.         WWW.SRIKPRAGATHI.COM                  BABLU GUPTA     9212255246