Please follow the steps below to implement this program. 1) First you need to deposit Rs.1000 to admin and Rs.500 to each of the 3 members account mentioned below. 2) The first account is the Administrator, who take care of creating your webpage and other maintenance activities which includes your Website (webpage) Hosting and administrative cost. Rest of the 3 accounts are the member's account, who joined by investing Rs.2500. 3) Once you make the deposit to all the members, we will set up a webpage with your name. You will get a webpage similar to the one you are reading now ( 4) In your website (, we will place your account at #3 position. The #1 position account will be deleted and #2 becomes #1. Now #3 becomes #2. Finally your account will be placed in #3. Everyone has their own webpage. For your direct and indirect referral too. Your a/c. will be placed in the 2nd position in their page. But in your own page, you will remain in the same #3 position forever. What will happen when you joined and placed in #3 position? Well. Your question is absolutely correct. Once you become a member, you will be provided with all the Marketing Tools and Softwares to promote your webpage ( in the internet. If someone reads your webpage and if he / she is interested like you, they will make deposit to you and all the accounts mentioned in your webpage ( At this stage your account will be moved to #2 position and a new member will be at #3 position. Now the #3 position member will do the same kind of marketing like you do and still you get Money deposited as you are in #2 position. Let's do a simple calculation "How you can be a Lakhpathi" If you just recommend only 10 members. (A very simple example) then you make Rs.5000 with your name at #3 position on the webpage. Now, each of the 10 persons who just deposited you Rs.500 each, refers the MINIMUM 10 persons, each with your name at #2 position, and that is another Rs.50000 for you. OK, now here is the fun part, each of those 10 persons refers 10 with your name at #1 position, then you just made you Rs.5,00,000!!! A Lakhpathi!!!! That is YOU!!! And all this with only 10 response. Imagine in case you refer more than 10. Sky is the limit. With an original investment of only Rs.2500! AMAZING! You can too become a Lakhpathi.. Please follow the Instructions to join this program. Step 1) Write down all the 4 Accounts and their details, given below in a plain paper. Step 2) Make the deposit via anyone of the Different Types Of Payment Methods Step 3) After making the deposit to the 4 Accounts with anyone of the method mentioned in the Step 2. Please request the STATEMENT with your bank and scan it. If you make payment via cheque, you have to wait till the payment is cleared. After the clearance, you can request the STATEMENT from the bank and Scan it. For scanning, visit your nearby DTP Center or Browsing Center. Else, you can take a Clear Photo using a Camera or with a Camera Mobile. Which should show the Transaction and the Amount Clearly. Send it to us as Attachment as mentioned in the Step 4. Step 4) Fill the Payment Details Submission Form after making your payment, please mail for the password of the form with the subject "Password for the Form" Please be careful in writing your Account Details. Because, for this account only you will receive money. Step 5) Once we confirm your payment details, We will send an Email which contains all the instructions on how to start the business. What we do once you make payment to all the 4 members ? We will create a webpage similar to the one you are reading ( This webpage address will be sent by Email. This webpage contains your address at #3 position. You will also get "Make Money Online e-books" and Internet marketing articles. We will provide you around 500+ classifieds website list. You can use this to advertise your webpage. ( Below are the 4 accounts ( 1 Administrator + 3 Members ) where you need to deposit the amount of Rs.500/- each and Rs.1000/- to Admin Admin A/c. Name: Gunasekaran A/c. # : 1106 350 9659 A/c. Bank: State Bank of India A/c. Type: SB Amount : Rs.1000/- IFSC # : SBIN0007897 Bank Location : Erode - 638011. Tamilnadu. Purpose of Transaction : Web Adminsitration Fee. Members account, who joined before you - Your Guide. 1) A/c. Name: G. Murugesan A/c. # : 1131 101 112 106 A/c. Bank: Canara Bank A/c. Type: SB Amount : Rs.500/- IFSC # : CNRB0001131 Bank Location : Erode - 638003. Tamilnadu. Purpose of Transaction : Guide Fee. 2) A/c. Name: M. Indhumathi A/c. # : 3344 250 3359 A/c. Bank: State Bank of India A/c. Type: SB Amount : Rs.500/- IFSC # : SBIN0000837 Bank Location : Erode - 638001. Tamilnadu. Purpose of Transaction : Guide Fee. 3) A/c. Name: D.K. Palaniappan A/c. # : 1131 101 102 367 A/c. Bank: Canara Bank A/c. Type: SB Amount : Rs.500/- IFSC # : CNRB0001131 Bank Location : Erode - 638003. Tamilnadu. Purpose of Transaction : Guide Fee. Since 2013... Join us Today :