As we all know to EARN something you have to get out and strive hard. But you can also earn in a SMART and INTELLIGENT way. Today we all have Internet Lives, we SHOP online, we PLAY online, we SHARE online, we EARN online. People!! Do you wish to be part of one such booming and upcoming company?? This is a gaming company named FUN2SH (Fun to Share) which in collaboration with DABANK MARKETING RESEARCH & ADVERTISEMENT Ltd which Is spreading all over the world rapidly. FUN2SH provides numerous fun , educative, entertaining Games along with FUN2CHAT and FUN2TUBE applications which will help you have online chats, share pictures, videos with your peers and worldwide and earn something out of it by doing so. I being a well employed person always wished to earn smartly and in intelligent way side by side. I came across N number of sites, ways to earn ONLINE. But none gave me the belief to go ahead in Network Marketing. But when I come to know about this it really impressed me and provides result in just 3 weeks!! Please watch the video to know and believe: English Video: - Indian Language ( Hindi ) Video: - HOW MY INVESTMENT DOUBLED IN JUST 3 WEEKS (MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE) I invested 550 $, first 50$ to buy the Fun2SH Standard Pack Game and the next 500$ to become a VIP Netizen BOARD member for below mentioned reasons. 1. If I fail to appoint people under me for the next 270 days (9 months), company will give me 500 $ on 271th day as Loyalty points (Reward for my investment). 2. And again in the next 270 days also if I couldn’t promote company business, company will give me 500 $ more as Loyalty Points. So even if I am unable to convince people to join me and just invest 550 $ and sit back, I will get 1000 $ after 18 month which is unbelievable but true. In the network I joined (11th February 2016), individual effort of other peer members helped the board to break (5th March 2016), gaining me reward points (1000$) for the same. So being a sleeping partner also gained me money. So, it’s your decision to invest 50$ (for Executive Netizen Id) and earn DIRECT (2.5 $ for one Executive ID , 25 $ for VIP ID) and BINARY income(5 $ for one pair of Executive and 30 $ for one pair of VIP ID) or to upgrade yourself by investing $500 (for VIP Netizen BOARD ID) and assure your money in double in maximum 540 days (18 months) . HOW TO GROW MORE: Grow your Network. There are many other ways we can earn from this system and this is just the beginning!!! If you are also interested and inspired, join the party!!! 1. Install Fun2sh Mobile App by Syscom Entertainment (For Android Users as of Now) from Google Play Store or install the Desktop Version from the below link. (Free file sharing without registration and size limits ) 2. Register with Invitation Key :- yHdHagcX / kvZ21JK4 3. Upgrade your account to Executive and then VIP by paying 50 $ ad 500 $ respectively. (Please select currency as US Dollar , otherwise it will charge you two service charge i.e. INR to USD and then USD to UK Pound) 4. Install Dabank app (For Android Users as of Now) from Google Play Store or login using same user ID and password of Fun2sh to to check your network detail and invite people. Contact me at [email protected] for any query.