Growing Fragrant Freesia Bulbs

Growing Fragrant Freesia Bulbs

Here you can find info about Freesia Bulbs, they�re easy to grow into magnificent colorful flowers that will adorn your garden and that are perfect for flower cuttings for bouquets and flower arrangements. Also, if you are searching for complete info about Freesia Bulbs, there is there an app for plant identification for your iPhone.

Learn about Growing Freesias and Freesia Care.

These beautiful, deliciously fragrant freesia flowers add color and fragrance to your tropical garden with such ease you'll be glad you decided to grow them.

Freesia is a genus that consists of about 14 species.

All of the 14 species of Freesia are African in origin from the family Iridaceae which are native to Africa but are now seen growing all over in Tropical and Sub-Tropical climates.

Out of all 14 species, there are only 12 that are native to Cape Province South Africa and the last two are indigenous to tropical Africa.

The freesia flower is very fragrant, especially yellow or white flowers.

When growing freesia they do well in zones from 8 to 10

They are so delicate and easily damaged when grown in areas with freezing temperatures.

If you live in areas with cold weather and even colder winters it is probably best if you grow them in containers so that you can bring them in the winter.

Freesia Care
Freesias can be propagated by offsets of bulbs and seeds and its quite easy to do it this way.

When planting your freesia flowers make sure to plant them in a spot that will get full sun.

The corms (which are the bulbs) need to be planted close together between 4 to 6 bulbs will work well.

You can either start them in a pot or straight into the ground

in your garden will work just fine, I don�t know if I'm lucky but I rarely start any of my plants in pots first then transplant them into the garden, knock on wood.... I have a great success rate.

Your soil should be a well-draining soil to start off with then plant your freesia bulbs about 1 inch below the soil in early March.

Keep the plants well-watered while the leaves and flowers are developing than when the plant is well established give the freesia a light watering once or twice a week.

When the plant has done its time and dies off you can either just leave the bulb in the ground but if you live where it gets below 32 degrees you might want to dig up the bulbs till time for planting again next spring.

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  • 23 February, 2020
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