Grow your Income with World largest Networking Buisness

What is SFI? SFI (Strong Future International) is a division of Carson Services, Inc., headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska USA. Founded in 1985, Carson Services has a long and successful track record in publishing and marketing. SFI was launched in 1998. Today, with hundreds of thousands of SFI affiliates in over 200 countries, it is believed to be the largest Marketing Network in the world. SFI is the exclusive marketing arm for the IAHBE (International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs) and Veriuni, a line comprised of nutritional, cleaning, personal care, pet care, telecommunication products, and more. How To Earn Big Monthly Income with SFI ? 1 » Sales 2 » Sponsoring 3 » Direct Commissions 4 » TripleClicks Executive Pool 5 » ECA Program 6 » SFIPPA 7 » Co-Sponsor Commissions How can you earn with SFI: 1. Direct Commission: Each time an SFI affiliate that you have personally sponsored–OR a TC member that you have personally referred–places an order at, you earn 45% of the CV. SFI's Direct Commission program is powerful because once you sign up a member or affiliate, they become your customer for life!* SFI takes care of all order processing, product shipments, and customer service at no cost to you, and pays you a Direct Commission for every order placed by your members and affiliates for life!* Special Note: For purchases by personally referred TC members, you'll ALSO earn all the VP** on the order–which can earn you additional shares of the TripleClicks Executive Pool! Earnings Example: An order is placed by one of your personally referred TC members that have $23 CV and 1,725 VP. You earn a $10.35 Direct Commission (45% of $23) and 1,725 shares in the TripleClicks Executive Pool. 2. Sponsoring: You make money with purchases and sales made by all the affiliate in the world that enters SFI after you, down to 12 levels, you also make matching points as their points increase, this means, if you sponsor 20 affiliates, you make money from their purchases and sales, you also make money from the purchases and sales made by those under those 20 affiliates and those under them down to 12 level. 3. TripleClicks Executive Pool: SFI have a store called TripleClicks, this is where they generate money they pay their affiliates and also where you can choose the product that you want to promote, Once you were able to reach Executive Affiliate level within the month, you participate in the profit made in TripleClicks, your share of profit increases as you rank increases. How to share in the pool: For each VersaPoints (VP) you accumulate during the month, you will receive one share of the month's pool. The more VP you score, the more you will earn from the TripleClicks Executive Pool! It's that simple. Note that VP can be earned for doing a wide variety of actions 4. E-Commerce Associate: With this programme you can lists all your product in TripleClicks free, and made money as millions of SFI affiliates refers customer to your product, this means that if you have an ebook on your website, you can list in TripleClicks and continue to make some much money from the sales. However, if you don’t have a product to sale in ECA. You can refer somebody you know to list their products in ECA and you make commissions in all the purchase made from this way. SFI handles the payment process and pays you in your local currency wherever you are whether you are in Serbia, India, Nigeria or Ukraine. The ECA referral program is very powerful because all you have to do is introduce an ECA to TripleClicks and you're all set to earn royalties for life! Every time anyone—anywhere in the world—buys something at TripleClicks from one of your referred ECAs, you earn a royalty! 5. SFIPPA: This simply means SFI pay-per-action programme, for website owners or blog owners, Once you join SFI, you can choose this programme, SFI assigns you a banner you paste on your website/blog that directs people to take an action, once the action is completed, you earn $10 for that particular action taken, this means if your website generates lots of visitors, you can make thousands in a day with this SFIPPA programme alone. 6. Co-Sponsor Commissions: SFI assigns you some affiliates that you will co-sponsor, this way you make money from their sales and purchases, depending on how active your cosponsored affiliates are, you can make lots of money each time you reach EA, (Executive Affiliate Level) and SFI assigns you these affiliates, as you grow your SFI business, you can get hundreds on them. Earnings Example: An order is placed by one of your co-sponsored SFI affiliates (CSA) that has $28 CV. You earn a $4.20 Co-Sponsor Commission (15% of $28). How to acquire CSAs (Co-Sponsored Affiliates): A. A minimum of TWO (2) CSAs are allotted to you each month you attain the rank of EA (minimum 1500 VP)—available on or about the 12th of each month. B. You can win CSAs in the Daily Grand contest. C. CSAs can be won via Pricebenders Auctions. See schedule for upcoming CSA Contact to me -- [email protected] join free here

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  • 25 April, 2017
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