GOOD MORNING ....DEAR LEADERS .......................................

  It is an attractive income opportunity for every individual to become entrepreneur. Simply purchase any one of the mentioned products and automatically become an Independent Business Owner IBO of ITPL and can sell the products any where in India Through Direct Selling by own network team or E-Commerce through Internet. On selling the products IBO will get incentive on daily basis and daily it will be Credited in to his account through e-wallet. On every 2 sales in the ratio of 11 basis, incentive of IBO will be Rs. 700- per pair 1PV1PV, Maximum Daily capping for I PV product purchaser would be Rs. 20,000- and Rs. 10,000- for 0.50 PV product purchaser. Distribution of incentive is Rs. 1400- & Rs. 2800- for 0.5 PV & 1PV Respectively   You are accumulating PVs in both of your Sales Organisation. If you do this you start getting following Rewards. Left Rewards Right 1 10 PV Mobile worth Rs. 3,000- 10 PV 2 40 PV Laptop worth Rs. 20,000- 40 PV 3 75 PV Bike worth Rs. 40,000- 75 PV 4 200 PV Alto worth Rs. 2.00 lacs 200 PV 5 600 PV Fiesta worth Rs. 5.00 lacs 600 PV 6 2000 PV Honda City worth Rs. 10.00 lacs 2000 PV FOR MORE DETAILS PL CONTACT                                                           for more details

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  • 30 November, -0001
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