HI FRIENDS          A Very good concept of  earning  five5 types of  income  through         our  Daily  Expenses  in  Retail  Sector , Best Business concept         ever in the MLM Networking  field , For a Long Future  & Life  Time         Income GURANTEED       GLOBAL FOOD BAZAAR is retail concept in MLM business and product which you use       daily in your life. GFB aims to open unlimited marts in India in 1 to 2       year. Its 29 marts have already been opened from 18-04-2011 till today and 100 plus marts are       going to open till dec 2011 . Its plan is so simple.             THE PLAN IS VERY SIMPLE & 100 LIABLE FREE PLAN        SEVEN TYPES OF INCOME- JOIN GLOBAL FOOD BAZAAR       WE WILL SUPPORT U FOR BUILDING UR AUTO DOWNLINE      1. Joining 2199,2999,5999-     2. Rs.200 coupons for 50 months free   Can be used at any GLOBAL FOOD BAZAAR for         purchasing any products    3. 200 rs gift vouchers in every month for 30 months    4. Unlimited royalty bonus cash in ur AC    5. Binary 1-1 500 rs unlimited depth.    6. Every week pay out    7. Spill income minimun Rs.100 and maximun is Rs.1800 unlimited dept    8. Great  Awards which you can achieve any time no laps shown in ppt    9. Royalty income is very easy.   10. Repurchase income includes ur network turn over    11. Percentage  commission  income  on  ur  network  turnover  12. Power leg full support.13. All seminar expenses will bear by my team.   FOR MORE INFO CALL ME OR VISIT SITE -www.globalfoodbazaar.netSPONSOR ID- 3295986499 Business Plan OTHER TOP UP OPTIONS - AMOUNT RS. PROUCTS REFERRAL PTS TB. POINTS SALARY POINTS B.V. REWARD PT. CAPPING 2199 Scalar Energy Pendant  20 Discount Coupon 200-  adjust in 1200-bill 1 1 2 200 0.25 15,000 Weekly 2199 Nazsr Suraksha Kawach with Shirt Piece  Or Suit Length with Anti Radiation Chip 1 1 2 200 0.25 15,000 Weekly 2999 One Scalar Energy Pendant 30 Discount Coupon 200- adjust in 1200-bill. Accidental Insurance of  Rs 1 Lakh 2 2 2 250 0.5 25,000 Weekly 5999 30 Free Vouchers § Rs. 200- each  50 Discount Coupon 200- adjust in 1200- bill, Accidental Insurance of  Rs. 1 Lakh 2 4 2 500 1 50,000 Weekly 5999 1 Executive Bag 1 Suit Length 1 Global Shirt pc. 1 Scalar Energy pendent 15 Discount Coupon 200- adjust in 1200- bill. Accidental insurance of Rs. 1 Lakh 2 4 4 500 1 50,000 Weekly GLOBAL FOOD BAZAAR TOP UP OPTIONS - Amount Benefits Referral Points TB Points Salary Points B.V. Reward Points Capping Tenure Bonus Option 12099 30 additional 6 4 2 500 1 25000 Weekly 12 Months 1300-Month Total Product worth of Rs.15600- 24099 40 additional 12 8 3 1500 1 37500 Weekly 24 Months 1400-Month Total Product worth of Rs.33600- 36099 50 additional 18 12 4 3000 1 50,000 Weekly 36 Months 1500-Month Total Product worth of Rs.54000- Security System 1  of the BV with all kit in case of Accidental Death. The Compensation Plan REFERRAL INCOME- You will get referral commission on all your directsales on Referral Point basis The value of 1 referral point100. BINARY INCOME- First Pair 12 or 21 After that 11 Weekly Capping  1TB Point Pair Rs. 125   SALARY BENEFITS- This one of the most lucrative which you will enjoy from this plan as per the Chart given Below- Salary pts in groupA Salary pts in group B Salary Tenure 10 10 500 per month Up to 6 months 25 25 1000 per month Up to 6 months 75 75 1500 per month Up to 6 months 150 150 3000 per month Up to 6 months 400 400 5000 per month Up to 6 months 750 750 10000 per month Up to 6 months 1500 1500 25000 per month Up to 9 months 3000 3000 50000 per month Up to 12 months 7500 7500 100000 permonth Up to15 months 15000 15000 250000 per month Up to 18 months 40000 40000 500000 per month Up to 24 months Up to Rs. 1 Cr. Per Month You must be eligible to get thefull benefits of your down lines in the Salary System i.e. you must top-up with any of the options from Group Aor Group B REPURCHASE INCENTIVE- MATCHING BINARY INCOME Team Volume 8 of Matching BV No Diffrence No Limit Unlimited Depth Rs. 1001-  20 BV Monthly Basis Min. 5000 BV 5000 BV Monthly Maintained 20 of Bill Amount is  Your Business Volume   COMPANYTURNOVERCLUB4 You will get this income after completing the 2.5 Lac Business volume each side generated by your total group on accumulated basis Accumulated BV - Minimum 25000 B.V. in group  on monthly basis   GROUP ROYALTY Any associate who maintains his business volume of 1 Lac 50 thousand for two consecutive months then he will become super bonus achiever S.B.A. this incentive will be given on differential basis as per table given belowe   1 LAC 50000 1 S.B.A 1 S.B.A 1 S.B.A 2 3S.B.A 3S.B.A 3 7S.B.A 7S.B.A 4    -- NITIN SHARMA & WINNER ASSOCIATESsharukhrockgmail.comCELL - 9027889543

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