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There are several ways to earn money with AdZub. You can earn money by1 View ads2 Play Adzub Games3 Completing tasks Under Matomy Money Offers Section4 Completing offers and surveys5 AffiliateReferral program 1st Way to make money with AdZub is just clickingViewing ads. There are unlimited of ads which will be added to your account time to time. Just log into your account click those ads. TYPE OF ADSYou will get different types of ads to clickEarnings from ads your clicks EXTENDED ADZUB ADS 60 seconds timer          0.0200 Rs 1.2 PaiseSTANDARD ADZUB ADS 30 seconds timer         0.0100 60 PaiseMINI ADZUB ADS 15 seconds timer                   0.0050 30 PaiseMICRO ADZUB ADS 5 seconds timer                 0.0010 15 Paise 2nd Way to earn money from AdZub is playing AdZub Games called AdzGrid.For standard member you have the opportunity to click 10 times. But for Ultimate member 30 times. Each time you click it will open a sponsor&rsquos website. There you have to view 10Standard and 5Ultimate second to know whether your luck support to win the AdzGrid or not. You can win upto 1 which will go directly to your AdZub account.There is no special strategy to win a AdzGrid. The secret of winning a AdzGrid is to clicking everyday.The more you play the more chances will be there to win. 3rd Way to make money with AdZub is completing task. tasks are micro jobs or small jobs provided by crowdflower available under section Offers Path- Offers Available &ndash Matomy Money &ndash Task. There will be number of tasks available for you to complete need to follow certain instruction before completing a task. Once you completed a task, Points will be added to your AdZub account balance i.e 1000 Points 1 USD.4th Way to make money with AdZub is completing offers. Daily surveys, sign up, cashback shopping, free downloads. Surveys are available according to the demographic locations. Each survey you complete you can earn points to several dollars.Powerful 5th Way to make money with AdZub is Affiliate Referral Program.AFFILIATES  REFERRAL BENEFITS -  Referral Chart Calculation 1 USD Dollar Rs 50 Considered  YOU Premium Members Multiply by level commission rate Earnings for this level Total Earnings Level 1 2 members Rs 150.0 each Rs 300.0 Rs 300.0 Level 2 4 members Rs 100.0 each Rs 400.0 Rs 700.0 Level 3 8 members Rs 50.0 each Rs 400.0 Rs 1100.0 Level 4 16 members Rs 50.0 each Rs 800.0 Rs 1,900.0 Level 5 32 members Rs 50.0 each Rs 1,600.0 Rs 3,500.0 Level 6 64 members Rs 50.0 each Rs 3,200.0 Rs 6,700.0 Level 7 128 members Rs 50.0 each Rs 6,400.0 Rs 13,100.0 Level 8 256 members Rs 50.0 each Rs 12,800.0 Rs 25,900.0 Above Table shown only for 2 members every individual refer, More refer will increase earning.Only 1 id per household allowed per computer PC System. All purchases are processed through PayPal For International Members Only and via cheque For Indians OnlyIndian citizen can purchases via Third Party TransferNet Banking or Via cheque in favour of below bank details-Our Banker -Bank Name &ndash HDFC Bank Ltd,Account Name &ndash Adzub Advertising ServicesAccount No. &ndash 04272000008743Account Type &ndash CurrentIFSC Code &ndash HDFC0000427MICR Code &ndash 411240012Branch &ndash Narayan Peth,Laxmi Road,Pune Email us Transaction ID or Cheque no. with amount,username and advertisement or Upgrade Membership details for verification, so that we will update as per requirement. UpgradeUltimate Membership as well as advertisement purchase rates in Rupees will be vary as per dollarUSD rate in market for specific day. So before doing any transaction pls check dollar rate with rupee currency. If any doubts pls feel free to contact us via submitting support ticket at httpwww.adzub.comsupport or you can email us Refrence -1 2

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