We are just now started organization( 1 month). We need Networkers or Freshers with absolute no knowledge as well are welcome. Project discloser will be done after examining your resume. Please interested Networkers/Freshers forward your resume and the below mentioned details in the mail body. Name Qualification PG College Details Graduation College Details S/o or D/o or W/o or C/o Address Main source of income to the family Date of Birth Phone Number Mail Id Company to work with :Qnet. URL: www.qnetindia.net Qnet is a one of the successful direct selling company in the industry and its compensation plan is designed for granting financial freedom to every one. Work Location: Jntu, Hyderabad. Once training and minimum service of 6 months is done you can start your own business. Position allocation will be done on First Come First serve basis. Send your resume to [email protected]