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First time in INDIAN Agriculture Sector LAUNCH IN PRODUCT BASE COMPANY

 First time in INDIAN Agriculture Sector New Research & Launched 100 Organic N.P.K. GRADE Fertilizers LAUNCH IN PRODUCT BASE COMPANYLAUNCH NPK GRADE ORGANIC FERTILIZER USE IN AGRICULTER AREA Our India is the agriculture country, which is the backbone of India.In india above 70 people is totally depend on agriculture.Above 70 agriculture is depend on NPK.DAPThis NPK. fertiliser available in market in solidstate, without this NPK. farmer cannot develope FARM.This NPK. is not available in market in liquid state.The TOP LIFE company got the success of this NPK. in liquid state which is the pure ORGANIC .This is 100 water soluble as well as it 60 to 70 cheap as compare to solid N.P.K.This liquid NPK. increase the productivity of your agriculture product.This is the 100 challenge for the solid NPK..In solid statefertilizer is the bad for the agriculture, hence it decrease the productivity.In low Price the product is available.This is pure ORGANIC hence it has no SIDE EFFECT.    , --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------         191919                              184600 Dap- .   130046                        005234      126100                                     000050-.           102626                   -.              134013-         230000 uriya                      123216-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .   , ,       , ,                TopLife Agro Pvt.LtdWebsite www.tlagri.comBusiness plan Launched 03,Sept.2011,Total Products Range -28Fertilizer,TonicsBooster,Other Agri. Products,Pesticides,Health products.Overall in different packing Total55products.  Starting PackageYou can Start your Business with following Packages1Rs.1600-TopSoil1NPK both 1000ml, 2Rs.1800-3NPK-1000ml,3Rs.1800-TopLife Spray Pump-16Lit.Handpump.4Rs.2000-4NPK-1000ml, Forthcoming Packages1Rs.1600-500ml TopFlowerTopGrow-500ml 1NPK-1000ml2Rs.1600-500ml TopFlower or 2NPK-1000ml, Business Plan When you start your business you have to sponser A & B direct,Tail is compulsory for payout means C,That tail may be up-line&rsquos Spill or may be your A & B legs Leaders Direct.Their A or B Types of Income 1.Binary Income.2.SpillDirect Income.3.Repurchase -Retail Income.4.Repurchase -Discount for self.5.Self RPBV Single Line Income6.Team Repurchase Income.7.Home Depot Income.8.Joining AwardReward  Income.9.Repurchase AwardReward Income. 1.Binary Income First pair Ratio 21 or 12payoutRs.300.On-words Ratio 11Binary PayoutRs.300, Binary CappingRs.30,000,Power leg Carry forward,Weekly Cut off Day Friday,Weekly payout Day Saturday,Payout  send by Speed-post alternate weekthat is fortnightly .Deduction TDS-10if No Pancard 20Handling charges-7. 2.Spill or Direct Income For every spill or direct &ndashRs.200For this No capping.For spill or direct, in joining form there is only two options..whether you place your spill on Your A-side or on your B-side,That spill goes extreme left or extreme right,There is no option of adjusted ID.Reason Power-leg automatically create, 3.Repurchase Income Based on BV, Business Volume,1BVRs.1,Ratio of BV 11Repurchase Weekly Capping Rs.50,000For repurchase your A,B,C legs are not compulsory,Reason -End user Individual farmer can earn the money without doing networking.For every Product RPBV are calculated on DP,Distributor Price  4.RepurchaseRetailDiscount Income ExampleA Farmer repurchase 50 bottle of any fertilizer of 1000mlNPKmeans on DP - Rs.280Then total BV-5028RPBV1400RPBV.We divide that by 2 as per our Ratio 11,Means his payout is Rs.700.He can purchase single-single bottle, when he complete 1000RPBV,payout will generated. 5.Self Repurchase Single Line Income When you have one leg, and in that leg, your Total Team Repurchase is, 5000RPBV in that week, and your self Repurchase is 1000RPBV,That time your self repurchase 1000RPBV considered as your second leg and that matched with 5000RPBV,Your payout will be Rs.1000,Remaining 4000RPBV carry forward for next week.  6.Team Repurchase Income Your One leg have 5000RPBV and Second leg have 2000BV and yourSELF repurchase is 1000RPBV in that same week.Keep in Mind your self repurchase BV are considered or calculated on your weaker side means 100020003000RPBV.Then your payout is Rs.3000,Remaining 2000RPBV are carry forward for next week. 7.Home Depot.Income Company Gives &ldquo1 Gram Panchaayat-1 Home Depot&rdquoInvestment  is Rs.64,000 and Rs.1-Lakh.Company give &ldquoTotal Material-Against Total Cash&rdquoAs per your choice. No Deposite for Home Depot.You have to take 50 E-Pin Material & 50Repurchase Material cpompulsoryCommission will be paid as on each BottleExample-for Rs.400MRP &ndashRs.20,in that way 40,60,80,100 & on EachE-pin commission is Rs.50 8.Joining AwardReward No Time Limit, you can do at any time.For joining of 3000pair of ID, meansLeft3000Right-3000  joining,You will have to do RPBV on Both Leg,that isLeft-2,00,000RPBVRight-2,00,000RPBVYou will get Rs.6Lakh DDminus TDS for Purchase of  Four WheelerDD on that showroom nameRemember Cash will not paid for First ID Award.If second ID qualify for Award, then cash will paid, minus TDS 9.Repurchase AwardReward No Time Limit, you can do at any time.30,000 30,000 RBV-------Soil Testing Machine60,000 60,000 RBV-------Fridge1,25,000 1,25,000 RBV---Laptop2,50,000 2,50,000 RBV---Bike5,00,000 5,00,000 RBV---Singapore Trip10,00,000 10,00,000 RBV---Car worth 2LakhOr  you will get Cash against this awardreawrds, minus TDS  Most Imp.Point to rememberIn repurchase  plan your spill or direct if repurchase  any BV, that BV will be calculated for every up-line,For Exampleyou placed your spill in depth on 60 level , if that spill repurchase 1000RPBV,then that 1000RPBV will be calculated for every up-line between you and that spill.This is not in other plan in India.Best Company - its my challenge CONTACT FOR FULL SUPPORT YASH RAJ-08423083298,  For Full Plan and Product Detail Please Visit the Below Site or Blogwww.tlagri.comattached pricelist & plan ppt Regds,yash  THANK YOUWELCOME TO A MISSON

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