=== #EPISCOIN === #Referral Link here : http://EpisCoin.com/joinnow.aspx… Tag: CRYPTO that reschedule your Financial Freedom. ---------------------------------------------- Investment Slabs: Activation Of Id: $15 Pkg No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Amt. $100 $500 $1000 $3000 $5000 $7000 $10,000 $15,000 $22,000 $30,000 Capping. $100 $500 $1000 $3000 $5000 $6500 $8000 $12,000 $15,000 $20,000 === Type Of Income:=== 1. Weekly ROI : 2% - 7% Maximum 8 months 2. 10% referral 3. 10% Binary 4. Level Income 7 Gen. Pkg No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Level 1 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Level 2 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Level 3 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% Level 4 3% 3% 3% 3% Level 5 3% 3% 3% Level 6 3% 3% Level 7 1% 4: Re- Invest Income 5: Royalty Income === Useful Information: === 1: All joinings will be accepted only by EPISCOIN. 2: You must have to buy EPISCOIN from the given exchanges. 3: 6% weekly return of your Investment upto 8 Months. 4: It is mandatory to Re-Invest after last return comes (i.e after 8 months) in order to continuation of commision. 5: all the withdrawal of commision will be given in either EPISCOIN or BITCOIN (you are free to choose any option). 6: Withdrawal of commision will be given twice a week. 7: Withdrawal of Return will be given weekly and that will be in EPISCOIN. 8: Capping Limit will be on daily Basis. 9: To achieve Level Income $1000 package is Mandatory. 10: In Re-invest Income if your downline Re-invest again then you will get Income No:1 and 2 again. And no. 3 will be also according. 11: Royalty Income will be announce after the Launching of the Coin. 12: 5% didcution will be taken from the company if one withdraw the commision by other option then EPISCOIN.( If taken withdrawal in BITCOIN.) TOTAL EPISCOINS 60,000,000 EPC PRE- LAUNCH COIN DISTRIBUTION 10,000,000 EPC COMPANY RESERVED ASSET 20,000,000 EPC COIN SELL AFTER LAUNCH 30,000,000 EPC PRE-LAUNCHING PRICE: WEEK 1:- $ 0.35 WEEK 2:- $ 0.55 WEEK 3:- $ 0.75 WEEK 4 (LAUNCHING) :- $ 1.00 Or ABOVE . Awards and Rewards For Pre- Launch: 1: $5000 Self Thailand Trip 2: $7,000 Direct Thailand Trip 3: $15,000 Team Thailand Trip 4: $50,000 total 10 GM Gold + Thailamd Trip 5: $75,000 total YAMAHA FZS Bike (Full Payment) + Thailand Trip 6: $110,000 total Swift Dzire New Model (20% down Payment) + Thailand Trip 7: $150,000 total Honda City (20% Down Payment) + Thailand Trip #Contact me via Line ID : tumrich888 & 0618189655