Here is an opportunity to earn money... OverviewEurasia is an Govt.of India, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, affiliated company involved mainly into Legal advertising & ad postings. It was started in 26th June 2011. It has Permanent Establishment in India with Company ID, TAN number etc. What we've to do1. Once in two-weeks, you will get 'Website links' 5-20 in numbers. Just click them & keep opened for 1 minute.2. You can close the link once timer reaches to 0. Earning Potential1. If you're doing alone without refering someone, then you can earn around Rs. 3200 per month after TDS.2. If you refer, you wil get Rs. 500 per referal. Plus Rs.500 as Upline bonus once they click on all links.3. If there is pair formation 1 at Left & 1 at right under you, Rs. 500 as Binary income. 4. Many more rewards... visit   Investment- Rs. 6500 for 8 months membership. - You cannot join online, someone has to refer you & make payment thro' cash to franchisee. Legality of the company - Please find the attachment & browse thro' Ministry of Corporate Affiars,  - Tax  & Service tax deductions are duly applied.  Let me know your views & mail me your name, mobile num & email id I will ensure that you are inright team to uplift yourselves & make the difference.