Divvee Social - Earn Money and Products on Your Phone

Hello Everyone, People joining Divvee are going crazy! thousands are joining and thousands more waiting because existing affiliates just can't get their invitations out fast enough. If any part of you is curious about Divvee Social and what is causing all the excitment you got to contact me. Divvee is totally different then anything online today....You want to be part of it! You need to be invited to join Divvee Social and by an existing Influencer...contact me for YOUR personal invite today, get started today! You can start in two ways: 1st way you can join is for FREE, you will be able to rank and share and earn points that you can then redeem in the Divvee store for things like Giftcards ( Visa/MC, Walmart, etc... ) on average you could earn up to $150 a month...awesome right! 2nd way is to join is as an Influencer for just $50 a year ( we spend more then that on a good lunch ). As an affiliate that has the Divvee Pro Suite App, you will be able to rank and share and earn points that you can redeem in the Divvee store for all kinds of products, have full access to the travel portal(saving you money on your vacations or business trips), and best of all turning Divvee Social into a full blown business allowing you to invite others to earn money and grow a Team just like you! Divvee Social is for everyone, from students, stay at home parents, working parents, grandparents, retired people, just about anyone will want to do Divvee Social. Divvee is radically changing the way business is done: No Products to sell No monthly products to buy and have sitting in your garage No monthly fee coming out of your bank acct or CC No monthly qualifications pressuring you No complicated payment plans to try and explain See we as affiliates are the Product of the company, WE provide the valuable service that large ad agencies want and need! Want to be in the drivers seat for a change, its easy, just contact me and i will send You Your Personal invite. Contact me here by PM Contact me at my FaceBook page - www.facebook.com/divveesocialnetwork Contact me directly on my website - www.divveesocialhub.com Contact me by email - [email protected] I'm here to grow a TEAM to help the average person online make money for a change....want to join me? Hoping to see you and your success! Brad Team Divvee Social

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  • 04 March, 2017
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