Digital CRYPTO Lottery MLM - Daily 3 ROI - UK Company 7339441296

CRYPTEX PLAN DETAILS First time AI trading and AI sports app, with all latest features to make more income in less time. Package: Investment in TRX 1 GOLDEX (1250 $) USDT 2 SILVEREX (500 $) USDT 3 FOUNEX (400 $) USDT 4 STAIREX (300 $) USDT 5 PILLEREX (200 $) USDT 6 MONEX (100 $) USDT 7 MAXEX (50 $) USDT 8 MINIEX (25 $ ) USDT Package activation daily for Indian customer 6pm IST and 4am IST Daily ROI : 3% Daily 2% ROI Daily 1% Game ROI Spot Commission: 15% spot commission for direct referral Level commission: Total 5 level Level 1: 10% commission Level 2: 5% commission Level 3: 2.5% commission Level 4: 1% commission Level 5: 0.5% commission Reward Commission: 10 days - 10 lakh - 5% 20 days - 10 lakhs - 2.5% 30 days - 10 lakh - 1% Withdraw: Withdraw in TRX. Withdraw timing for Indian customer 6pm IST and 4am IST android app: call: +91 7339441296

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  • 25 July, 2022
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