New concept of of advertising on wheelsYou have two option to start this business  By installing product in your own vehiclesYou can Install prouduct in your vehicle as per your requirement in your vehicle you have to fill the form with your vehicle details in this income your monthly rent will be halfOrBy getting Ad Benefit shring from the company partYou will get benefit from the company part. Company will invest your money in Government tenders, Like Railways Metros and so many other private tender also.  Company share ad profit from their partPRODUCT  OPTIONS -Ad 001LED on rear side of the taxi 5,000 INRYou get-750 INR  rent of your digital advt. on monthly basis.After 14 months  you must renew your contract for continuing rent.0 Ad 002Single screen LED on headrest  of the taxi 10,000 INRYou get-1,150 INR  rent of your digital advt. on monthly basis.After 12 months  you must renew your contract for continuing rent.Ad 003Double  screen LED on both headrest  of the taxi 20,000 INRYou get-4000 INR  rent of your digital advt. on monthly basis.After 10 months  you must renew your contract for continuing rent.Ad 004Double  screen LED on both headrest  with digital roof of the taxi 50,000 INRYou get-11,250 INR  rent of your digital advt. on monthly basis.After 9 months  you must renew your contract for continuing rent.YOU CAN PAY MOBILEPHONES, BILLS, RECHARGE MOBILEDISH TV, INSURANCE PREMIUMS, BOOK FLIGHT TICKETS FROM YOUR WALLET INSTANTLYIncome plan -DIRECT INCOMEYou will get Direct -  5MATCHING BONUS You will ge 10 of your matching bonus 5000-10000 20000-50000 100000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 120000 120000 120000 120000 120000 120000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 500000 500000 500000 500000 500000 500000 CAPPING 50000- DAY 750000 750000 750000 750000   1000000 1000000 1000000 1000000 CAPPING 100000- DAY 1500000 1500000   2000000 2000000 CAPPING 200000- DAY  ROYALTY You will get Royalty upto 8 level of your downline rent GENERATION LEVEL ROYALTY ON RENT Generation 1 10 Generation 2 5 Generation 3 4 Generation 4 3 Generation 5 2 Generation 6 1 Generation 7 0.5 Generation 8 0.5  FULL SUPPORT AND POWER LEG PAYMENT GATEWAY ALSO STARTED, YOU CAN INVEST THROUGH DEBIT, CREDIT OR NET BANKINGFor More details contact     &ndash 09304640780                08404906315Email - adsoncabgmail.comWebsite &ndash www.adsincab.com

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