A research proposal is a document that is written before a research settles down to do a research project. The research proposal acts as an eye opener to the reader. In most cases, the reader is usually the lecturer or the research proposal supervisor. Apart from doing the research proposal, students are expected to do a number of custom writings. The difference that comes between a research proposal and the custom writings is that, a research proposal is only meant for the research students while custom writings could be an ignment in https://essaypay.com/blog/what-is-a-reflective-essay/ write a reflective essay and the writing field, mainly English. A firm that deals with custom writings can offer much istance in doing a research proposal. Most firms have done the writing job for a reasonable period of time. The experience has upgraded such firms from only doing the custom writings to doing more detailed papers like a research proposal. In all the research fields, a proposal is definitely more detailed than the work of custom writings. This has led to a higher charge in having a research provider do a proposal for a research project than it is to do any custom writings. On the other hand, since only a few students study in work with foreign colleagues the research fields, the custom writings are a common paper write up compared to the proposal for a project. Both papers require writing services prior to forwarding to the respective lecturers. A proposal earns more marks than the latter due to the complexity and format of the two. In that a proposal could be marked out of a hundred and a custom paper out of twenty. The size and amount of work done for both is what brings the main difference.