dhanwantri.ucoz.com   must see business plan  in this link "Cap. ImmuRich&rdquo a unique Combination of Immunoglobulin, PRPs, Lactoferrin, Growth factors, Vitamins and Minerals extracted from Cow Colostrum by patented technology. Cap. ImmuRich is a multiage sword to defeat enemies of health, as well ensures the healthy growth of individuals. Dhanwantari Distributors Pvt. Ltd., a company with good reputation in Health Care Solutions. It has launched just 2 years ago and achieved a good prospective in wellness industry, because of its innovative solutions for Immunity related health problems. "Cap. ImmuRich&rdquo.usages of "Cap. ImmuRich found very effective in following conditions1 Immunology AHypoimmune All viruses, bacteria, protozoa will be more sensitive to antibiotics, antifungal, anti protozoa, drugs along with consumption of CAP. ImmuRich. So it gives better results in Resistant Tuberculosis, Resistant Malaria, HIV, and Herpes Zoster. BHyper Immune Allergic Rhinits, Bronchitis, Eczema, Urticaria. CAuto Immune Rheumatoid Arthirtis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, GB Syndrome, MS, SLE, ITP. 2 Haematology Dengue, Bone marrow suppression, ITP, Neutropenia, Leukemia. 3 Diabetology IDDM, NIDDM, Diabetic Foot, Complication of Diabetes. 4 Nephrology CRF, Dialysis Regarding complication, kidney transplant Rejection. 5 Cardiology Ischemic Heart Disease. 6 Oncology Adjuvant to chemo therapy & Radio therapy. 7 Gynacology Irregular Menses, Puberty & Menopausal disorders. 8 Obstretics IUGR, Polyhydromnios, Pre-eclampsia, Oligohydraminios. 9 Pediatrics Neonatal sepsis, Infantile Diarrhea, Repeated Infection, Malnutrition. 10 Neurology Alzheimer Disease, MND, Mental Retardation, CVA, Facial Palsy. 11 Orthopedics Early Healing of Factures, Osteoporosis, Oesteo arthritis. 12 Surgery Early healing of Wounds & Sutures. 13 Burns and Plastic Surgery For Early Recovery. 14 Dermatology Psoriasis, Pemphigus, Steven Johnson Syndrome, Lepra Reaction, Eczema, Urticaria. 15 Respiretory Disorders Asthma, Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Bronchitis. 16 Gastro Enterology Hyper Acidity, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Diarrhea of any cause, Liver Cirrhosis. 17 ENT Allergic Rhinitis, Adenoids. 18 Opthalmology Allergic conjunctivitis, Diabetic Retinopathy, Dryness of Eyes. 19 Dental Chronic Mouth Ulcer, Periodantitis. 20 Gerentology As Immune Booster. 21 Muscular Diseases Muscular Dystrophy. 22 Nutrition Perfect Health Nutrient for all age group for Quality Health.