PRODUCT OVERVIEW Concentrated Mineral Drops CMD is the most modern combination of vitamins & minerals extracted from pollution free environment, Hawaiian Ocean, USA in collaboration with Hawaiian Herbals, Hawaii USA. CMD restores the minerals in purified water, thus giving the body the minerals it needs to be healthy. It is 100 natural with no other ingredients added. It contains a full spectrum of all the minerals in a balance natural to the body. It is highly concentrated being 78 times more concentrated than sea water and contains 84 ionically charged trace minerals.NEED CMD is the perfect solution for replenishing your body with the nutrients you need to maintain optimum health. It is the most powerful, natural health giving trace minerals in the world. A drop of CMD will light up your life.httpkainaturalcare.netkai-productshealthcare-dropsconcentrated-mineral-drops-cmd--from-hawaiian-herbals.html