bk-ebdp bkebdp bk ebdp red blue gold crystal

bk-ebdp bkebdp bk ebdp red blue gold crystal Bk-EPDP is a new legal stimulant drug of the,phenethylamine, cathinone, and amphetamine drug classes. The chemical structure is related to methylone, reportedly, bk-epdp has three times the potency of Dibutylone and one time less the potency of mdpv. Bk-EPDP acts as a psychostimulant and has been reported to produce effects similar to those of methylphenidate, amphetamines, and the cocaine. Bk-EPDP desired psychological effects: Increased alertness and awareness Euphoria Increased wakefulness and arousal Mental stimulation/increased concentration Increased energy and motivation Increased sociability Diminished perception of the requirement for food and sleep Mild empathogenic effects Bk-EPDP normal dosage is between 1-5mg, make your research carefully to find the best and needed dose. !!!not for human consumption!!!

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  • 08 August, 2018
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