Hello, My name is Lawrence and I live in the U.S.A. My wife and I are affiliates for Prime My Body. We sell plant based wellness products with an emphasis on our amazing Hemp Oil. www.primemybody.com live4wellness.primemybody.com We just launched our international markets in Japan and Taiwan this month and have plans to open 26 countries next year. I am on here now looking for interested MLM leaders around the world to bring our amazing products to your country. As hemp and CBD hemp oil become more and more mainstream and you start to see it everywhere, remember this. Our product gets into the system almost instantly, is available at higher concentrations and for a longer period of time. This is a nanoemulsified hemp oil with liposomal delivery making for a 90% absorption rate. Other's products have to go through the digestive system which makes for 5 to 6 times less absorption by our body. This is a tincture of CBD isolate in an oil. You are what you absorb and the choice should be clear. Here is my facebook page with product and business info posted. https://www.facebook.com/Live4WellnessPMB/ Here is one video regarding our company and its products. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNNCfs8O3h8