Be a part of sanjeev kapoor khazana food products...

Sir , first U start with Rs.1100/- only u reccieved 1100/- mrp prod & lifeTime Dealership after that on any repurchage u will get 15? discount on all even Rs. 5/- only after that U Take a Franchise with Rs. 25000/- only now U get 15?+ 7? Discount on Mrp with on line billing software then u promot a Franchise on same Terms Now u r a promotar U will get 5? on his all sell without ur own investment if he promot other u get 2? on that sale after 10 to 15 Dist. U Take SaleDepot then U will get 4?+7?+15? on mrp +all extra 5% or 2%. As a promotor also without any more U can promot in all over India

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  • 08 May, 2017
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