www.socialtrade.biz A powerful system of Ablaze Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Regd.under ROC, since, 2010, following all the rules & regulations of:- 1. Service.Tax Deptt 2. Income Tax.Deptt 3. SEBI 4. FDSA Deals in social media exchange business. You can promote your page here & by like other pages you can earn too. Our Package are:- Rs.10,000+14.5 Ser.Tax (11450), Rs.25,000+14.5 Ser.Tax (28625), Rs.50,000+14.5 Ser.Tax (57250). 11450/-(1000 e-points) 20 links daily X Rs.5 =100/- daily 28625/-(3000 e-points) 50 links daily X Rs.5= 250/- daily 57250/-(6000 e-points) 125 links daily X Rs.5= 625/- daily. This amount calculated on single I.D & You can get tripote on one pan card & can boost your income from: Rs.100 to 400 daily, Rs.250 to 1000 daily Rs.625 to 2500 daily. Sailent Features:- 1. Daily bank transfer 2. No pin system 3. No request system 4. No wallet stystem 5. No work No money 6. 10 days satisfaction guarantee. If you promote it, you can earn unlimited. For joining & team support.