All Mobile & DTH Recharge by Single SIM or One Account Full Working Software... with full ready server and device... Ready Made... Just Buy And Start Your Very Own Recharge Business... or Any kind of MLM Software...........   Salient Features   Winline Recharge Software  1 line to 16 line expandable in a single system &ndash Can support 16 operators         Can support 12 additional DTH operators through the same EC SIMs GSM terminals are connected to PC through Ethernet Supports Recharge, Balance transfer, Post paid payment, Top up and Activation operations Operations supported through E-recharge SIM Pin transfer SMS to operator USSD message to operator Internet unlimited agent accounts Credit Debit operation Facility to assign Account wiseoperator wiseoperation wise commission Simultaneous recharge on 24 lines Ultra fast recharging Recharge Search Bulk activation Bulk recharge Checks recharge SuccessFailure automatically. Can assign manually also Remote payment collection and entry by field officer User friendly reports Operator wise recharge report Account wise recharge report Status wise recharge report Payment report Balance report Purchase report Activation report Account statement etc Facility to send Bulk SMS Facility to make voice calls Facility to check Recharge Balance SIM Balance of all operators Automatic data back up Option to send request  response through HTTP packetsOptional Server and Node Module Online Module Separate system for Reporting        No Response Wait Time. Checks recharge Success Failure automatically in the back ground Contact me. ......