Accessibility and The Ever-Changing Technology in Education

Accessibility and technology are influencing how teachers plan and deliver their lessons in the clroom. In the clroom, technology is constantly evolving, giving teachers more options for presenting their courses. Instructors can provide more options for students with physical and learning challenges thanks to technology. Technology also aids in bridging the gap between communities with disparities in income and resources. It aids in providing pupils with an experience that is unique to them. Teachers may teach kids with a variety of talents and living situations, and they can use technology to bridge the learning gap. Teachers have access to resources that aren't always available within the institution. They may provide students with new experiences and relate to them using the technologies that they use on a regular basis, making the teachings relevant to each of their students. I will address accessibility and how technology is constantly developing in this paper. I'll also talk about educational philosophy and how it connects to technology and accessibility, as well as how social, demographic, economic, and political diversity influence accessibility and technology in education.


Philosophy is defined by Merriam-Webster as "the concepts, thoughts, and approaches of various groups." Instructors and professors may have very diverse philosophies, which will influence how they run their clrooms and present their teachings. What they will and will not allow in the clroom will be determined by their philosophy. Clrooms are always evolving, with clrooms becoming increasingly diverse, and a teacher's perspective may influence the clroom's ambiance, as well as the accessibility of the clroom and the technology employed.

Early Childhood Education

Clrooms are set up so that teachers can offer lessons to pupils in order to help them acquire skills and learn life lessons that will help them succeed. Students are there to study and grow so that they can achieve their goals and be successful in life. Teachers used tables and blackboards in the early clrooms to write and teach their lessons. Basic disciplines including literature and math were taught by teachers. The teacher's philosophy was to get everyone to learn the facts they needed to survive and work. There was little variety in the course. They didn't have to deal with a lot of the problems that come with technology.

Clrooms Today

Teachers today still have the survival mindset, but they also teach to grow and nurture kids from various backgrounds. Students may come from various locations or regions. Students of various races and religions attend. The students' mental and physical capacities are diverse. Teachers must also adhere to the school's and government's expectations. Teachers must also deal with technological advancements in the clroom. To deal with these inequalities, teachers must believe that all students can succeed and that all students should have equal access to information and be provided with the tools they need to succeed. Clroom Management: A Guide for Urban School Teachers is an essay that outlines clroom management approaches that will ist teachers in managing a clroom with pupils from various backgrounds and living situations. The book teaches teachers how to manage their clrooms in a way that does not interfere with their lesson plans or their ability to teach. Every child should have the opportunity to study, and information should be given in a way that makes it accessible to all. (Yisrael, 2012)


Information presented in a way that can be understood and appreciated, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Many obstacles in today's clrooms may make it difficult for all students to receive knowledge, but teachers must always attempt to make information available to as many students as possible. Accessibility addresses pupils with physical limitations and language problems who may find it challenging to learn course information. Clrooms with access to learning materials and technology that will ist pupils to succeed in the clroom are also considered accessible. (2018, Gronseth)


Students of the same race might attend the same school in the 1800s. In the United States, black and white pupils did not attend the same school. During school segregation, there were numerous concerns. Black pupils did not have access to the same resources, textbooks, or clrooms as white students. Many of the laws at the time were judged to be unlawful and discriminatory, according to an article titled Brown vs. the Board of Education: A Setback or Landmark Case. After this decision, discrimination persisted throughout the South for another ten years. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 stated that schools receiving federal monies may not discriminate, and that schools might be sued if prejudice was discovered. After the Civil Rights Act was ped, the clroom's appearance changed. Incorporating students with impairments is another obstacle for clroom diversity. Students with impairments were once separated from the rest of the cl. Clrooms used to look different, but because to changes in laws and attempts to ist minorities, clrooms are always changing and becoming more accessible to kids of all backgrounds and abilities. (Grooms, Williams, 2016)

Institutional Regulations

Students have difficulty understanding what they see and hear. Some pupils struggle to interact with others, while others struggle with emotional concerns. Students' perceptions of items are also problematic. Many schools have policies in place that govern how teachers deliver presentations in cl and how online cles are structured. Academic Master is essay writing services UK-based company that offers students all around the world thousands of free essays. Guidelines were created as a result of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act, which were intended to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal access to their educational experiences, and that if accommodations are not available, accommodations should be provided. Institutions establish standards to ist instructors with colour schemes and the number of photos displayed. According to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, electronic content should be adaptive in terms of how it is perceived, navigated, and understood, as well as whether or not the lesson may be modified. For instance, the instructor may offer the lesson in a colour that even students who were unable to see blue or purple could perceive. Another example is that if the cl includes sound, the instructor could provide words or descriptions for the sound so that pupils who are deaf can understand what is going on. 2018 (Gronseth)


Technology is beneficial in the clroom because it allows teachers to access information and technology that is not available in the clroom. Virtual reality and distant learning can be used by teachers. Teachers can project their teachings onto a screen and make fast modifications and additions. Teachers can use a range of colour and screen adjustments to make the subject more accessible to all students. To make it easy for each student to grasp the subject in a way that is understandable to them. The digital frontier: imagining future technologies' impact on the clroom examines how technology has evolved over time, from 1890 to now. Technology began with radio and television, and now we have devices that follow our movements, have sensory capabilities that recognise images, and smart boards. Technology is constantly evolving and can be beneficial in the clroom. Smartboards are utilised by teachers to teach lessons, and projectors are used for presentations. (2019, Leahy, Holland, and Ward)

Designing a Computer Clroom

The computer clroom where I work in the Langdale College of Business's Health Science Building has been open since 2014. It's supposed to look like a conventional computer lab. The space can accommodate 70 people. It is primarily used in computer lessons and examinations. Its measurements are 32X70. On either side of the room, three lines of three desks are arranged, and each student has around 2.5 feet of work space, including the computer. The distance between each computer is not great. The instructor's desk is located at the room's front centre. The desk chairs are ergonomic mesh chairs with lumbar support in the mid-back. A total of two doors are present, one on each side of the room.

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