OLD TEANOW HEALTHYWEALTHY TEA FIRST TIME IN MLM HISTORY                    PRODUCT ACAI BERRY TEA                JOINING 2000               BINARY  1000 POWER LEG CARRY FORWARDWEELY CAPPING 25000NO TIME LIMIT AWARDThe Acai Berry  The acai Berry fruit, a small, round, black-purple fruit is about 1 inch in diameter, kind of like a grape and grows on a very tall tree. Two crops of fruit are pare grown per year. The Acai berry fruit has a single large seed that takes up a lot of the berry. The skin of a ripe berry is a deep purple color, or green, depending on                     the kind of acai that it is.The berries are harvested as food in the Amazon region of Brazil, acai palm the tree it grows on is incredibly important as it makes up a lot of the diet for the people in the area and is the biggest cash crop for it&rsquos area of Brazil.    What are the benefits of supplementing with acaiAlthough they vary from person to person, some reported benefits of acai users includeo Acai Berry Lose Weighto A boost in energy levelso Improved digestive functiono Increased libidoo Stronger immune systemo Better mental focus and clarityo Better sleep patternso Enhanced visual clarityo Relief from minor aches and painso Detox and cleansingo Healthier, younger looking skino Improved circulationo Increased strength, stamina, and enduranceo Partial alleviation of symptoms of depressiono Increased workout recoveryo Increased injury recoveryo An increase in fat loss FOR MORE DETAILS   9657210882   E-MAIL     goldenroots11gmail.com