Commitments Plan  Free Registration to participate in Aux India. After Your Registration you have to commit to help peoples, 5 Daily virtual Growth will Calculate on your commitment . Your virtual Growth Confirm after Give Help. After confirm your Virtual Growth, You will be eligible for Receive Help. You will Give Help only through this website.You can commit to help from 1000 AUX upto 5000 AUX. Referral ProgramMatching Binary Growth  10 Binary Growth on Give Help of the matched in both the legs.  Direct Referral Growth  After your Registration you can refer number of person for Give Help and you will get 10 Referral Growth on Direct Referral&rsquos Give Help. Don't waste your time just join it and start earning for long time copy and paste this link httpwww.auxindia.inregistration.asp?txtspcode7010684LEFTRIGHT or send me ur details on this no. 9696481963   

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