A Great Opportunity For You www.qbule.com

WWW.QBULE.COM Dear Leader, A GreatOpportunityFor You.Good news for people working in investment program.New concept from makers of the SPEAKASIAONLINE with more than 11 types of income.Registration started inINDIA. Registration Rs. 1500. PackagesAssisted Silver 6250 50PVSilver 12500 100PVGold 24750 200PVPlatinum 49500 400 PV Nonworking income Package Weekly income Monthly income Yearly income 52 weeks Assisted Silver 400 1600 20800 Silver 1000 4000 52000 Gold 2250 9000 1,17,000 Platinum 5000 20,000 2,60,000 WORKING INCOME1.DIRECT REFERRAL INCOME20 of the referred package PV 20 of 100 PV joining20 PV means 1000 on every SILVER package.2.BINARY INCOME1000 on 100 PV matching 20.1 direct on both sides of 100 PV 12500 each.Assisted Silver Capping Rs. 20000 daily 20 pairs, 1 pair 20.Silver Capping Rs. 25000 daily 25 pairs, 1 pair 20.Gold Capping Rs. 30000 daily 30 pairs, 1 pair 20.Platinum Capping Rs. 40000 daily 40 pairs, 1 pair 20.3.WORKING FROM HOME INCOME5 in 7 levels. You can achieve this income from your 1-7 level&rsquos data work income.4.MOI incomeFor every 50 pairs, 1 MOI point is calculated. 2 total PV in a daytotal no. of MOI achiever1 MOI point.5.MOI CAPPING Rank MOI point capping Assisted Silver 2 Silver 5 Gold 10 Platinum 20 6.MOIAWARDREWARDDepending on MOI points.Total 2 MOI Points Trip to exotic location along with trainingNext 10 MOI Points 5000 for small carNext 30 MOI Points 15000 for medium carNext 60 MOI Points 60000 for luxury carNext 200 MOI Points 200000 for luxury villaNext 1000 MOI Points 1000000 cash reward or private jet or yacht7. PANEL INCOME 111 panel for any package.Binary income for panels 20 on every 400 PV and in multiples weaker side flush.Referral income for panels 20 on every 400 PV and in multiples.8.CHAIRMAN CLUB INCENTIVEOn sponsoring 2 crown directors, 1 PV of global turnover to be distributed amount achievers.9.RECOGNITIONOn hitting different director clubs.10.AMBASSADOR INCENTIVEFor platinum and above publishers referring same package within 30 days of joining 5 of total turnover PV or 50,000 for 1 year whichever is higher.11.MAGIC WEALTH FORMULAE income. www.qbule.comEmail- qbuleindia13gmail.com Call Now All Over India 09334935986

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