I'm DEEPAK KOLHEY, ND-II, from CHHINDWARAM.P., India. I am extremely excited to share my feelings about this Club-Asteria, that this is the only mission of this century which people around the globe will enjoy the benefits of financial freedom under the great leadership of Andrea. I m also thankful to Hank, who cares for my team whenever they required help from him.,  919407074088,   . ? , ? Per week 400 income-- ? ,LoginJoin , CLICK HERE TO JOIN       , CLICK HERE TO JOIN  . .   , .EDIT PROFILE , ,, .  repurchase 80 Yes Submit    . A01 . CashX ,  httpswww.cashx.comq02ark98844hecmfmdejypay ACCOUNT OVERVIEW LINK . 14 250  . 1 1 500 . . 1000 , 1000 2000 .   UNLIMITED DEPTH VOLUME . DEBIT ATM CARD . CASHX ADD . CASHX . . -  9407074088HOW TO START IN CLUB-ASTERIAClick on this link, click on LoginJoinClick on CLICK HERE TO JOINFill up your details...Name, Your Email and Password of your choice..and press "click here to Join".Now, your Free Sign-up is completed.Open and type your email ID & password and press Login.Read all news, then open EDIT PROFILE, fill up details,Upload official Photo ID ID, PAN card,DL,PP etc., choose 80 repurchase-Yes & Submit. Now, pl check that your member status has become A01.If you are not having a Alertpay Account  Open an Alertpay account using the URL Link blow....This is must to start & to continue your Gold membership by paying 20 from this, open an account in CashX, using following linkhttpswww.cashx.comq02ark98844hecmfmdejypayNow, enter both these accounts, Alert-Pay & CashX in your Club-Asteria on page "Account Overview"Limited Time Period Offer If you by 250 or more Asterios 1 Asterio1 within 14-days of joining, you will get 100 bonus, means your asterios balance will be 500.More Asterios means more income per week.If you become Network-Director ND1 by purchasing 1000 asterios, you'll get 1000 more asterios as Bonus, you also become eligible for a monthly income called GVR Global Volume Report, an income from your unlimited depth.Now, you can use your Debit card for buying asterios.Withdrawal Your income can be withdrawn in any of your saving account. Simply add your Bank Account with your cashX account. Now cash out your income from your Club-Asteria to CashX and then transfer it in your Bank Account.For any detailsclarifications, plz feel free to contact me.Regards,DEEPAK KOLHEY9407074088,9827866820MADHYA PRADESH ND-II