80-55-06 Ductile Iron Round Bar

80-55-06 Ductile Iron Round Bar

Ductile iron is a grade this specification covers castings made of ductile iron. The precise quantitative relationship can be stated between, the properties of castings and those of a test specimen cast 80-55-06 Ductile Iron Round Bar will contain nodular graphite, in a matrix of ferrite and pearlite. Very good machinability and excellent surface finishes combined with the structure provide higher wear resistance,  elasticity, durability, and strength.


The inside 80-55-06 can be oil quench from 1600° (885° C) to a minimum hardness. That will be less Rockwell than lower C-50 on the outside of the bar, mechanical properties Magnesium is added as an inoculant to produce nodular graphite. Small amounts of alloying elements are used to stabilize the pearlitic structure, This is a material readily machinable with good surface finishes.

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  • 20 June, 2023
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