ZABARDASTDIWALIGOLDEN REWARD  1 PAIR - Qwerty Phone OR 15 gm Silver Coin 2 PAIR - Camcorder OR 50 gm Silver Coin 3 PAIR - SonyPlay Station 2 & 75gm silver Coin5 PAIR - 3G Tablet OR 100 gm Silver Coin 10 PAIR- Asus 10" Netbook & 200gm Silver Coin25 PAIR- Bike OR 500gm silver OR 16gm gold 40 PAIR-5n6d HongKong&1kg Silver&24gmGold60 PAIR> Nano OR 1.5 kg Silver OR 40gm Gold AB BHI KUCH NA KIYA TOH KYA KARO GE SO BECOME A ACHIVER & HAPPY DIWALI WITH GAML FAMILY ENJOY WITH SILVER OR GOLD CALL ME -09215588227 DHARMINDER DHIMAN visit-   httpeasywebearn.inWEB-TRIP PACKAGE       Direct Income                 Binary Income                  Capping - 200 Pairs a week               Direct Royalty Club   S.NO Direct Per ID Collection in the Pool 1. 5 100 2. 8 80 3. 12 70 4. 20 60 5. 30 50 6. 50 40         This Income for each category will be shown LIVE on the website&ldquo Existing associates who have joined on or before 5th July will have to top up their ID&rsquos with a special 3k PIN to enjoy this Income. 10 Referral Bonus will be paid to the sponsor         Level Income 25 Levels   Level  Team Amount 1 2 40 2 4 80 3 8 160 4 16 320 5 32 640 6 64 1280 7 128 2560 8 256 5120 9 512 10240 10 1024 20480 11 2048 40960 12 4096 81920 13 8192 163840 14 16384 327680 15 32768 655360 16 65536 1310720 17 131072 2621440 18 262144 5242880 19 524288 10485760 20 1048576 20971520 21 2097152 41943040 22 4194304 83886080 23 8388608 167772160 24 16777216 335544320 25 33554432 671088640           INR 20 per level for 25 levels 1st level Your Direct Referral  Business Plan Packages  Joining amount 1. Basic INR 15,000 2. Advanced INR 25,000 . 1. Direct Referral Spill Income Basic 15,000 INR 1000 Direct Spill Advanced 25,000 INR 2000 Direct Spill2. Binary Income  Per Pair 11You will be entitled to a minimum pair of INR 1000- pair or as per the following calculation whichever is morePair Rate  No. Of Joinings in Current Payout  X   4500                     Total New Pairs in the Current PayoutBinary Income Total New Pairs  X Pair Rate  Example  If there are 200 new joinings in a particular week in the company and 400 new pairs have been formed then Pair Rate 4500 x 200 400 2250 pair rate. Similarly, If there are 200 new joinings in a particular week in the company and 600 new pairs have been formed then Pair Rate 4500 x 200 600 1500 pair rate. 3. Monthly Rental With Royalty Rental"Website Advertising Income  wil be added to your Sponsor&rsquos Royalty and will be paid on a NET 30 monthly basis" S.No Joining Option Website Advertising Income Sponsor's Royalty For 1st Parent For 2nd Parent 1. Basic INR 15,000 Basic Maximum INR 1500 50 50 50 2. Advanced INR 25,000 Advances Maximum INR 3000 100 100 100 4. Royalty Club Income"Income deposited in the royalty club will be divided equally amongst all who have qualified for that club" S.NO Pairs Per ID Collection in the Pool 1. 256 40 2. 512 30 3. 1024 20 4. 2048 10 5. Online Advertising Income Basic                          INR 2500 Advanced            INR 5000 Income generated through this system will be purely performance based & dependent upon how efficiently you work upon them. You shall receive maximum 100 mailers a month that have to be worked upon once within 7 days of receipt of the mail else the mail shall expire and no credits will be rewarded. All unsuccessful attempts in completion of surveys registrations will also not be credited. All mails carry equal credits. The Online Advertising Income will be credited to your web-wallet on a net 60 basis. This income will start w.e.f 15th February 2011.   6. Additional Packages Top UP&rsquos Training Package - Rs.20,000- Infrastructure Package - Rs.41,000- Package Contents  Training Package   Website with SEO, Mini Laptop without hard disk , Online marketing Training Infrastructure Package      All contents of the basic package 15k 50 sq. yd. PLOT at Kanpur Registered in your name,   cost of registry as per govt. rates Training Top UP       This can be used as a top-up and would cost INR 10,000. For those interested in starting their own   internet marketing business. Plot Top Up      This top-up costs INR 25,000 and can be used by any existing associate who wishes to buy a 50   sq. yd. plot at Kanpur. 7.One Time Referral Income - Joining Options Direct Income for Sponsor For 1st Sponsor For 2nd Sponsor Basic INR 15,000 1000 - - Advanced INR 25,000 2000 - - Training INR 20,000 2000 - - Infrastructure INR 41,000 5000 - - Training Top UP INR 10,000 1000 500 500 Plot Top UP INR 25,000 2000 1000 1000   Reward    Pairs Rewards Image 3 DVD Player 6 QUERTY Mobile microwave 12 Tablet PC Mini Netbook 20 Netbook 10" 30 Netbook Sony Digital camera These are permanent rewards for all new associates who have joined on or after 12th April 2011. You have 60 days to qualify for any 1 of the following awards. Minimum 2 Directs 1 each side is compulsory to earn these awards. Associates who cross 30 pairs will be eligible to win additional Summer Bonanza awards when the cross 45 Pairs. LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT REWARDS Pairs Rewards 500 40,000 1000 84,000 2500 2,20,000 5000 4,60,000 7500 7,20,000 12000 12,00,000 20000 20,80,000 30000 32,40,000 45000 50,40,000 65000 75,40,000 90000 1,08,00,000 125000 1,55,00,000 These awards can be achieved for all fresh pairs starting 12th April 2011. No Time duration to achieve them. These will be LIFE TIME Rewards. Rewards applicable on the NEXT number of pairs to be achieved.          www.webpaysu.comDHARMINDER DHIMAN GAML2290 CALL ME NOW-            91- 9215588227        FULL SUPPORT  E-MAIL-  dkdhiman77gmail.comNOW  AND  NOW  SOON  AS  SOON       POSSIBLE