22500 ........... 9136731886 BIG PROFILE

                                                               SPECIALITY- 1 A Billion Dollar Global Giant with Global offices in USA, Europe, India, Mid East, South Africa, China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and many more.2 Appeared TWICE in the Inc 500 magazine for the top 500 privately held organizations3 Won the Thomas Alva Edison Patent Year Award Three Times4 Featured TWICE in the New Jersey Technology Fast 50 Award5 ISO 22000 certified organization.6 Total 80 US & International patents 7 Recipient of Innumerable Prestigious Awards8 Having worldwide presence9 First Business Opportunity in the world achieves ISO 22000 Certification.10 Listed in the Inc Fortune 500 companies, ranking 77 in 199611 TURNOVER OF OVER RS 22500 CRORES12 Work in one plan & Enjoy income from 2 plans.13 Lowest joining of Rs 2800-,Rs 5000- Rs 9000-.You get products, Unique Id, Back office and Brochures.                                                          ABOUT COMPANY- - Over 25 years we have been unlocking the mystery of the herbs, extracting the goodness, gifting the world with Good health Now we provide you an opportunity to unlock the mystery of Success, Wealth & Better living Sami Direct is the culmination of relentless Research and development for over 24 years. We at Sami Direct are committed to offer you an unrivalled range of Nutraceutical followed by cosmeceutical products which has been acknowledged by the world over for its highest quality and safety standards.. Sami Direct is supported by its very own indigenous  R&D facility - SAMI LABS  at Bangalore, A State-of-the-Art multi-disciplinary division pursing diverse fields of research with over 150 Scientists which focuses its efforts towards creating effective and safe products . The six highly advanced, state-of-the-art manufacturing units, which adhere to the strictest quality and safety norms ensures the highest quality of products are being rolled out. Today, Sami Group holds a strong intellectual property portfolio with several US and International Patents to its credit apart from awards and recognitions worldwide. With the perfect blend of world class products and a revolutionary business plan, for you it is a lifetime opportunity not just to enhance your health, but a fruitful and lasting career which would heighten your income. What it means to you being a Sami Direct Partner ?  You are part of a 25 years organisation which has pioneered in Health Science worldwide  Worldwide presence in USA, Europe, Japan, Australia, China, UAE, South Africa, South America  Part of a company which holds a Strong Intellectual property with more than 64 US & International Patents to its credit apart from awards and recognitions worldwide which also includes Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award in 2004, 2005 & 2009 and Department of Science & Industrial Research Award DSIR, Government of India.  Access to World Class Health products created by over 120 scientists at our very own R&D facilities in India & USA.  Part of ISO 22000 Company which ensures the highest quality Products  High & Huge income and rewarding Business plan Sami Direct has found a way to fight DIABETES, ARTHRITIS, OBESITY, OSTEOPOROSIS, CANCER, ENERGIZERS & MANY MORE. A company with 25 yrs. of R&D Experience, ISO22000 & NABL certified, recipient of 2 National Awards & DSIR Award, recipient of THOMAS ALVA PATENT Awards 3 times, more than 80 Patents on Natural Molecules, Clinically proven and established. Health is the biggest wealth in the world, so if you are healthy, then you can earn as much wealth as you can So, Come and see how you and your neardear ones can become HEALTHY & WEALTHY. www.samidirect.com  Attention Leaders SAMIDIRECT A New Break through Opportunity in MLM Industry....Grab Ur Top Position In Your State.WE ARE THE RAW METERIAL SUPPLIERS FOR 77 LEADING MLM COMPANYS IN THE WORLD &ndashMAINLY TOP 3 IN INDIA &ndash1.AMWAY2.HERBAL LIFE3.MODICARE.4.USANA5.RX-BALANCE                                                                       PROFITS &ndash 1. Retail profit 10-202. Performance bonus 603. Director achievement bonus 254. Business development fund 35. Year end bonus 36. International Holiday 37. Royalty 118. Car fund 39. House fund 2 MINIMUM TOTAL DISTRIBUTION &ndash 110BV10.binary and generation plan income.                                                                             AWARDS &ndash  Sami Labs Receives The Top Pharmexcil Patent Award 2011... Export Excellence Award 2011 from Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce...   Sami Labs Receives The Top Pharmexcil Patent Award For 2010 - 2011 In The Herbals, Ayurveda, Nutraceuticals Category.  Best District Exporter Award - Tumkur District Export Excellence Award 2011 from Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce & Industry    Herbal Industry Leader Award &ndash 2009  Certificate of Excellence for Exports &ndash 2008   Frost & Sullivan's Award &ndash 2008  Nutrition Business Journal Award &ndash 2006  Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award &ndash 2004   Excellence in Exports from Karnataka for Dr. Muhammed Majeed &ndash 2003   Highest Export of Value Added Spices Award &ndash 2002AND MANY MORE&hellip&hellip&hellip&hellip&hellip&hellip" Those who are sucessful have taken the right decision at the right time in their lives and have stuck  to it".SECURE YOUR POSITION RIGHT NOWRefer to know more  about  Founder, Chairman & MD. Dr.Majeed atwww.drmajeed.comwww.samilabs.comwww.sabinsa.comEverybody knows in Business Opportunity Maximum Money is at the top for people who made a quick move.This is your chance to give a rocket jump to your Business Opportunity career by being a part of global Giant " SAMI DIRECT" I have the best home based business that could change your lifestyle and fulfill your dreams.This is Genuine product based Business Marketing company health giant MNC. Beware of Investment plans, Survey plans, Data Entry Jobs and Non working Plans.A Life time opportunity.REVOLUTIONARY COMPENSATION PLAN&lsquoBUILT FOR EXPLOSIVE & FASTEST GROWTH&rsquoLooking for "TOP LEADERSHIP POSITIONS" in IndiaNEWLY LAUNCHED AND GETTING  READY TO ROCK THE WORLD THROUGH MLM.CALL ME FOR FULL PLAN AND PRASENTATION.WEBSITE- www.samidirect.com  RAM KUMAR RUHELA          &ndash 9136731886Mail Us to - ramkumarruhela71gmail.com

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